Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 1963 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

June 29, 1963

Saturday, hot, 80’s.  David, Wayne, girls and I went to Ronne’s wedding at Roxbury in pm and stayed to reception.  Girls went to picnic at camp for Bible School at night.  I was tired.  David and Sandy here a few minutes then went to LaVerne's as he'd called for David to come work at the plant on Sunday.  Clifton came home late.
Comment:  This must be Ronnie Schemerhorn's wedding, a close friend of Wayne, David and Doug.  Dad apparently getting some overtime and David starts at the charcoal plant.  I think sometime in the near future he will get his hand caught in a charcoal press..Bible school rolls on....

Roxbury, NY Church & School
Roxbury, NY was the birthplace of naturalist John Burroughs and railroad magnate Jay Gould and also a vacation destination for the rich around the 1900's served by the Ulster & Delaware Railroad chartered in 1875.  For some reason, Gilboa Central always played our only afternoon basketball game with Roxbury in the fifties and I'm not sure why.  We always seemed to beat them, if I recall. Here is a picture of the Roxbury school and church.  

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"