Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 1963 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

June 13, 1963
Thursday,  42 - 66, cloudy in am,  clearing late and warmer.  I had missionary meeting in afternoon, nine members and three children were here.  Sue and I went to prayer meeting.  Carol had a lot of home work.
Comment:  More church related activities and who'da thunk it, 4 years later to the day, Mary Ann and I would have been married about two years and would have our first child: 

Happy Birthday David Gerald Hubbard

David Gerald Hubbard Born June 13, 1967

David’s Song
How did you do it when only a boy
Composed all those songs of your life and your friends
Played with life’s music, with songs full of joy
With tempo and rhythm and rhyme without end

Learned every word of each song that you heard
And stored them away in a place in your heart
To birth them anew with music and word
And give them to others as doing your part

Brought kindness and beauty and light to the fore
With songs about loving and fun
But some about poverty, hunger, and war
To focus on change where it had to be done

Going through life with your dreams always hoping
The world would do right by you and your friends
Trying to stop all the sadness and groping
And hoping the fun and the songs never end

Not caring for wealth of material kind
Your kindness and music has set you apart
And the people who know you are rich in their minds
And you soon find a place way down deep in their hearts

So keep up the music and keep up the joy
Life’s journey is all in the fun
And never forget that the luckiest folks
Are the ones who can call you friend, brother, or son.

Posted by Hello

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"