Friday, May 31, 2013

Monday, May 31, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 31, 1965
Monday, light rain, showers in pm.  Partly cloudy and chilly 58.  Had fire in stove. Gerald and Mary Ann here.  David went to Oneonta to report and home at noon.  Carol, Clifton and I went to Grand Gorge in pm and called at Renz's.  Gerald and Mary Ann left about 5.  Wayne called from Bergenfield N.J. and said they were staying over and would be home Tuesday.  Clifton and I finished making garden.
Comment: I think David was reporting in to the National Guard.....the house and South Mountain from the 20 acre lot up back......

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sunday, May 30, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 30, 1965
Sunday, cloudy and cold, built fire.  Frost in morning.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday School.  LaVerne's, Gerald and Mary Ann here for dinner and supper.  We went Tasty Freeze toward night.  Carol went to church with me and Sue went home with LaVerne and Roberta.  Mother called from Middleburgh.
Comment:  Lot's of comings and goings.....more grand kid pictures on the'ing them might be tougher.....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Saturday, May 29, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 29, 1965
Saturday, cool, 60's, but sunny.  Wayne, Clifton and I cleaned wood house and back lawn and finished marking out garden.  LaVerne, Roberta, John, Robin, Michael and Gerald and Mary Ann came about 4 pm and here for supper.  LaVerne brought his Wheel Horse and the boys mowed the lawn.  Wayne went with Koerners to Bergenfield N.J. for the weekend.  Dougie called at night.
Comment: Large group for supper...,Mom always pulled off these large affairs without a qualm......another bunch of grand kids with them if you can.....From Susan: Okay, that gang with Mom are: Back Row - Either Terry or Timmy Hubbard, Tara Hubbard, Christopher Hubbard; Front Row: Michael Hubbard, SOMEONE HIDING?, and Mark Reynolds. J Love - Susan

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Friday, May 28, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 28, 1965
Friday, sunny, clear and cooler, 60's.  I washed, finished painting stairs and cleaned bathroom.  Wrote to Marilyn.
Comment: Ever busy....Grand kids in the kitchen.....guess who.....

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thursday, May 27, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 27, 1965
Thursday, partly cloudy, humid, 78, thunder showers around 3 and 4 pm.  I cleaned all through.  Louise was here for supper and had prayer meeting.  Sue went home with Susan Stryker.  Carol came home with Charles.
Comment:  Mom is always doing something, cleaning, painting, cooking, gardening...she was 52 at this time and still had a lot of she is with Karla Ford, her great grand child in 2000 or so.....

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wednesday, May 26, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 26, 1965
Wednesday, partly cloudy, hot humid, showers, 70's.  I painted part of stairs.  Did some sewing
Comment: Slow news day....From Hubbard Hill Memories: "Of the windows in that old farm house, some faced directly west and south and all the family many times a day,
Would check that eighteen mile view to guess the weather coming through and then you’d usually hear somebody say,
“When the rain comes it’ll be to wet to plow",
Or “The snows too deep there’ll be no school bus now",
And those windows from that farm house knoll were also windows to our souls and taught us love of hills and life somehow."  Take A Listen: 
Hubbard Music Mountain: Final Verses 11-12 Hubbard Hill Memories:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tuesday, May 25, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 25, 1965 
Tuesday, lovely day.  I washed and cleaned bedroom, we made three rows garden at night and raked behind the house.
Comment:   We usually made the garden with wide rows so we could cultivated it with a tractor.  I still remember eating green beans and peas straight from the vines and radishes, white and red, right out of the ground after a quick swipe on my shirt to get off most of the dirt ...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Monday, May 24, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 24, 1965
Monday, sunny and warmer, 65.  I stayed with John from 8:30 to 2:45 while Roberta drove mail so her mother could go to a funeral.
Comment: LaVerne had some mail routes that various members of the Hubbard and Renz family families worked from time to time...did not realize Roberta's mother apparently regularly drove...from Susan about yesterday's post: "The “Charles, John and Debbie” in this article are Charles and John Colliton, brothers from Grand Gorge, and Debbie Carmen – all Carols’ friends.  Debbie went on to marry John Colliton – and Charles still is in Grand Gorge..."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sunday, May 23, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 23, 1965
Sunday, sunny, cool, about 60.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday School. No one here all day.  Sue and I went to Church at night.  Called Gloversville and talked to Gerald and Mary Ann and Mrs. Hallenbeck and changed date for shower to July 24 instead of June 24 because Wayne's graduation.
Comment: Sounds like a quiet Sunday...for a change....

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saturday, May 22, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 22, 1965 
Saturday, cloudy and windy, 60'.  David and Mary went to Robert Schemerhorns wedding at Lowville,drove Wayne's car.  Wayne and Laura took our car to Albany to have it serviced.  Clifton and I drove David's car to Middleburgh in am.  Laura here for supper.  Charles, John and Debbie here in am.
Comment: Lots of car swapping, not sure who Charles, John, and Debbie is one of my cars with David in it: A black and white 1955 Olds 98 Convertible with a red leather interior. Dad bought it for $198 and a close look at the rear will tell you why....but it ran well and certainly looked cool.....

From Sister Sue: The “Charles, John and Debbie” in this article are Charles and John Colliton, brothers from Grand Gorge, and Debbie Carmen – all Carols’ friends.  Debbie went on to marry John Colliton – and Charles still is in Grand Gorge.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Friday, May 21, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 21, 1965
Friday, nice day, 68.  I washed, wrote to Marilyn, did some ironing.  Went to Cobleskill at night for kids auditions, mother and Margaret went with us and Laura too.  David home from Buffalo while we were at Cobleskill.
Comment: Not sure who Margaret is and not sure what they are auditioning for. Wayne, Carol and Sue sang at the 1964 World's Fair.....the picture is of Buffalo in 1813, I worked at the Ford's Buffalo Stamping Plant starting in 1965 and here is more than you ever want to know about the origin of the city name: From Wikipedia: The City of Buffalo, formerly known as Buffalo Creek, received its name from the creek that flows through it. However, the origin of the creek's name is unclear, with several unproven theories existing. Early French explorers reported the abundance of buffalo on the Eastern shore of Lake Erie, but their presence on the banks of Buffalo Creek is still a matter of debate, although American Bison did range into western NY state at one time. Neither the Native American name Teyohoseroron (the Place of the Basswoods) nor the French name Riviere aux Chevaux (River of Horses) survived, so the current name likely dates to the British occupation which began with the capture of Fort Niagara in 1759.
Another theory holds that a Seneca Indian lived there, either whose name meant buffalo, or who had the physical characteristics of a buffalo, and was translated as such by the English settlers. The stream where he lived became Buffalo's Creek. Unlike other nearby creeks such as Scajaquada Creek and Smoke's Creek which were named after actual historic figures, there is no known reference to any Native American named Buffalo. Also given credence by local historians at one time was the possibility that an interpreter mistranslated the Native American word for "beaver" as "buffalo," the words being very similar, at a treaty-signing at present-day Rome, New York in 1784. The theory assumes that because there were beaver here, the creek was probably called Beaver Creek rather than Buffalo Creek.
Buffalo panorama circa 1911
Another theory holds that the name is an anglicized form of the French name Beau Fleuve (beautiful river), which was supposedly an exclamation uttered by Louis Hennepin when he first saw the Niagara River. This is a relatively recently proposed theory (1909) and is unlikely, as no period sources contain this quote. The earliest known name origin theory is an anecdote told to Captain Daniel Dobbins by Cornelius Winney in 1795 and also found with variations in Sheldon Ball's History of Buffalo (1825) and other sources, about a party of hunters whose guide shoots a horse and passes it off as bison meat, thereafter the origin of the term "buffaloed."
Despite many years of speculation and garbling of previous debate, more recently available sources indicate that the name Buffalo Creek was in common use on the Niagara Frontier by 1764, as John Montresor referenced 'Buffalo Creek' in his journal of that year.[3] The name may have originated with an English speaking person sometime between 1759 and 1764, possibly after seeing animal bones, thought to be bison but possibly elk or moose or domesticated cattle, at the salt lick called Sour Springs located at the head of navigation about 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Thursday, May 20, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 20, 1965
Thursday, beautiful day, 65. Carol stayed home, had bad headache.  I finished cleaning dining room and started a dress for myself.  Lyle's went to prayer meeting with me at Louvilla's.  David went to Buffalo with Thomas.
Comment: Thomas is Tommy Renz, and they are probably delivering charcoal for Timberland. Thomas is LaVerne's brother-in-law. Tommy and I took a couple of trips together driving different but almost identical Ford Diesel cab-overs and I have to say that, even though I consider myself a maniacal driver back then, I could barely keep up with him on the road.....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wednesday, May 19, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 19, 1965
Wednesday, nice day, 60's.  I cleaned dinning room.  David came home at noon, had quit his job.  Girls and I went to LaVerne's and Roberta's at night.  Had letter from Marilyn and 3 booklets.
Comment: The booklets were probably religious pamphlets...don't remember about David quitting his job...I know he had a class one license at the time....Here is David with his sisters, Carol and Sue on a winter morning probably going to school.....probably mid fifties.....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Tuesday, May 18, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 18, 1965
Tuesday, cloudy and cool.  I washed clothes, dried but slowly, and cleaned up house.  Went to parsonage at night for Vacation Bible School. Madelyn and Lyle went with me.
Comment: Madelyn Blakesley was always very active in the Vacation Bible School. She had kind of a shaky, hesitant voice and I remember her reading the Bible to us.....
Madelyn is on the right, Maude Haskins is on the left..

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 17, 1965
Monday, cooler, 60's thunder showers about 8 am. Sue home tired out.  Madelyn here in am brought news for paper.  Mother called in am.
Comment:  Mom wrote column of news for the Middleburgh News, a weekly paper back then and included tidbits about the happenings around Hubbard Hill.  Visits, illnesses, accidents.  She wrote something about Ote and Myrtie that was extracted and made fun of by the New Yorker Magazine and I somehow read it and brought it to the families attention and I remember it made Dad furious that the item was ridiculed.  When I was bitten by a cat when I tried to feed it stones, it made the paper......another way we got the news was through the telephone party line:  take a listen.....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sunday, May 16, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 16, 1965
Sunday, partly cloudy, beautiful warm day, 80's, thunder showers at night.  We ran into them on way home from Gloversville. Went there so girls could try on dresses for wedding.  We were at Hallenbeck’s for supper, got home 9:30.  Girls, Mary Ann and I went to church in am
Comment: Our wedding prep continues....thunder storms could be very beautiful in the mountains. Here is a famous painting: Thomas Cole, The Four Elements, 1843-1844 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saturday, May 15, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 15, 1965 Saturday, beautiful day, 70's. We went to Middleburgh shopping in am, took Susan Stryker to Roberta's about 4 pm.  Gerald and Mary Ann came, Laura and Earl all here for supper, had tacos and enchiladas.  I went to church at night, Madelyn went with me.  Roger, Maureen and Steven here at night.
Comment: Lots of visitors...Mom must have picked up on the Mexican food from their trip to California to visit Marilyn...I don't ever remember any type of Mexican food while a is the dining room where everybody ate if they could find a chair. The books on the table are all photograph books that Mom kept. When the family visited, we usually would bring them all our and reminisce. Roger & Maureen were good college friends.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Friday, May 14 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 14 1965
Friday,  beautiful, clear day, 30, frost in am, to 65.  Susan Stryker came home with Sue and they and Carol went to Oneonta with a group of young people.  Mrs. Mayo and Anita took them.  David home for supper.  Wayne and Laura went to prom.  Kids home from Oneonta late but had a good time.
Comment:  Frosty morning, lots of social makes the news that David's home for supper.....

Monday, May 13, 2013

Thursday, May 13, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 13, 1965
Thursday, partly cloudy and cool, 50's.  I cut out Sue's pink dress and started it. Wrote to Marilyn.  Clifton home late.  Wayne, girls and I went to LaVerne's at night a few minutes.  Went to Missionary Meeting at Anita's, drove Wayne's car, Madelyn went with me.
Comment: Dad and Mom before Dad's stroke, not sure what year but probably around 1965....
Frances And Clifton Hubbard

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Wednesday, May 12, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 12, 1965
Wednesday, cooler mostly sunny, 64 high.  I worked on cupboards in kitchen and ironed and cleaned.  Wayne stayed out of school and worked for Earl all day.  Carol went home with Mary Jane Carman from school.  Clifton home late.
Comment: Mary Jane was part of the Carmen Trucking family in Prattsville. As ten- year olds, my friends, Donny Cornell and Edwin Brainard were fascinated by the big rigs and pretended a lot that they were trucks or truck drivers in our play. I think the big trucks took the place of the railroad trains in the romanticized visions of  our youth since trucks were more prevalent in that area of the Catskills....I think Carman's was pretty much wiped out during Irene....this is
a picture from Betty O'Hara's front yard looking toward the creek where their gas station had stood for about a hundred years.....I don't think Carman's fared any better.....

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tuesday, May 11, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 11, 1965
Tuesday,  lovely day, some cooler, 60's and windy.  I worked at cupboards in kitchen, ironed, wrote to Dougie.  Earl and Kitty were here in am.  I went to Middleburgh to a meeting with Louvilla, Bea and Anita at night.  Wayne and girls went to Laverne's after Roberta's suit case.
Comment:  Earl and Kitty are Earl and Kitty (Catherine ) Christiana from Stony Brook, NY.  Earl was a big deer hunter and often come up with Kitty and his son Huby, to hunt and also to just visit .  The family was quite well to do and always had the latest hunting knives and shotguns and also were always outfitted in the wool, red and black hunting pants, jackets and hats that were popular at the time.  My great grand mother was a Margaret Ann Christiana married to Gamalia Hubbard, my great grandfather.  I think Earl was a third cousin to my Dad, or something like that....he died at 65 in 1972. Huby or Herbert, deceased in 2017, lived around Cape Vincent, NY.  He was my age and was married to Lauretta and has a son David,  who is 51.  I probably have not seen Huby for at least 65 years...amazing what one can find out using the internet....

To read about a harrowing horse incident involving Great-Grandmother Margaret:  Click Here

Friday, May 10, 2013

Monday, May 10, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 10, 1965
Monday, cloudy in early am, becoming fair and hot and humid, 75.  I washed, cleaned, took plastic off dinning room windows and washed them.  Clifton, Wayne, girls and I went to Albany at night after Wayne's car.  Had a letter from Dougie, $25.00.
Comment: The plastic was on the windows as insulation...Mom still working hard on the house.....Mom And Dad about 1936 in the Gilboa house where LaVerne was born. Was owned by Bruce Buel and later became the Gilboa Post Office with Post Master Merel Hubbard....

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Sunday, May 9 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 9 1965
Sunday, Mothers Day.  Beautiful, sunny day, real warm, upper 70's.  Girls and I went to church and we went to Mother's for dinner.  We went to church at night.  Gerald and Mary Ann called at night.  Thunder showers at night.
Comment: Kinda serene Mother's day....

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Saturday, May 8 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 8 1965
Saturday, lovely day.  Wayne, Clifton, Sue and I went to Albany bought 65 Plymouth and Wayne got a 61 Corvair.  Carol went with Mrs.  Mayo and young people to Syracuse to state youth rally.  Marilyn called at night.
Comment: More is the skinny on the 61 Corvair rated 17th worst car ever made in was fun to drive however....

1961 Corvair

Rear-engine cars are fun to drive and even more fun to crash. While rear-engine packaging offers enormous advantages, putting the vehicle's heaviest component behind the rear axle gives cars a distinct tendency to spin out, sort of like an arrow weighted at the end. During World War II, Nazi officers in occupied Czechoslovakia were banned from driving the speedy rear-engined Tatras because so many had been killed behind the wheel. Chevrolet execs knew the Corvair — a lithe and lovely car with an air-cooled, flat-six in the back, a la the VW Beetle — was a handful, but they declined to spend the few dollars per car to make the swing-axle rear suspension more manageable. Ohhh, they came to regret that. Ralph Nader put the smackdown on GM in his book Unsafe at Any Speed, also noting that the Corvair's single-piece steering column could impale the driver in a front collision. Ouch!
Meanwhile, the Corvair had other problems. It leaked oil like a derelict tanker. Its heating system tended to pump noxious fumes into the cabin. It was offered for a while with a gasoline-burner heater located in the front "trunk," a common but dangerously dumb accessory at the time.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Friday, May 7, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 7, 1965
Friday, rainy and cool, 40.  I washed and hung clothes in the attic.  We went to Grand Gorge to talent show at night.  David and Mary went with us.  Ordination for Gil Collins at church at night.  Mother called and invited us over Sunday for supper.
Comment: Hmmm, no comment on how the talent show went but I think this is a picture of one in Grand Gorge in 1964 for the World's Fair in NY that year. I posted my memories Hank Williams's "Lovesick Blues" yesterday and my memory of Donny Cornell singing it at Tom O'Hara's gas station in Prattsville. Now, I just learned that "Lovesick Blues" hit Number 1 on May 7, 1949....
Carol, Wayne, Susan At Talent Show

Monday, May 06, 2013

Thursday, May 6 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 6, 1965
Thursday, beautiful day, 68 high, no wind.  I cleaned stove and did most of ironing etc. Wayne worked for Earl after school.  Sue went to Deanna Cornell's birthday party after school.
Comment: I think Deanna is the sister of Donald and Gordon Cornell, then of Prattsville, both friends of mine in grade and high school. Donny was a great singer and I still remember him one night when he was about 10 years old singing Hank Williams's Lovesick Blues complete with all the yodels, at Tom O'Hara's gas station. He was a great favorite of Tom's also it seemed. He was also one helluva cross-country runner. I remember he told me about pretending he was a truck and running up the hills around Prattsville when he was a young child. I think that developed his seeming ability to run forever.....take a listen to Hank...... sounds just like Donny...

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Wednesday, May 5 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 5 1965
Wednesday, beautiful day, 60's.  I cleaned the cupboards in the kitchen and did the floors. Kids went to Grand Gorge at night for talent show rehearsal.  Laura here for supper.  Debbie Carmen came home from school with Carol. The Cutler boys came after her about 5:30.
Comment: Mom still working away shaping up the house. Must be in her late "spring cleaning" is more than you ever wanted to know about Spring Cleaning:


It has been suggested that the origins of spring cleaning date back to the Iranian Norouz, the Persian new year, which falls on the first day of spring[citation needed]. Iranians continue the practice of "khooneh tekouni" which literally means "shaking the house" just before the new year. Everything in the house is thoroughly cleaned, from the drapes to the furniture. A similar tradition is the Scottish "New Year's cleaning" on Hogmanay (December 31), a practice now also widespread in Ireland, New Zealand, and to North America.
Another possibility of the origin of spring cleaning can be traced to the ancient Jewish practice of thoroughly cleansing the home in anticipation of the spring-time memorial feast of Passover (Hebrewפסח pesach‎). In remembrance of the Jews' hasty flight from Egypt following their captivity there, during the seven-day observance of the Passover memorial or remembrance, There are strict prohibitions against eating or drinking anything which may have been leavened or fermented with yeast (Exodus 12:15, 19). Jews are not only supposed to refrain from leavened foodstuffs (known in Hebrew as חמץ chametz), they are expressly commanded to rid their homes of even small remnants of chametz for the length of the holiday (Exodus 12:15). Therefore, observant Jews conducted a thorough "spring cleaning" of the house, followed by a traditional hunt for chametz crumbs by candlelight (called bedikat chametz [Hebrew: בדיקת חמץ]) on the evening before the holiday begins.
In North America and northern Europe, the custom found an especially practical value due to those regions' continental and wet climates. During the 19th century in America, prior to the advent of the vacuum cleaner, March was often the best time for dusting because it was getting warm enough to open windows and doors (but not warm enough for insects to be a problem), and the high winds could carry the dust out of the house. For the same reason, modern rural households often use the month of March for cleaning projects involving the use of chemical products which generate fumes.
Examples of the detailed work done during spring cleaning in early 20th century Manchester, UK, can be seen in 'The Briggs Book' (see Bibliography) transcribed by Tony Holkham.


Saturday, May 04, 2013

Tuesday, May 4, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaires

May 4 1965
Tuesday, cloudy and cooler, 62 in am, 50 in pm.  Sue still home with cold.  I papered kitchen and Louise came over in am after Sunday school books, etc.  Wayne worked for Earl again.
Comment: Mom still very active even with the headaches striking often....I've only "papered" a couple of times and when I did, I certainly gained an appreciation of how skilled my mother was at this. I still remember her up on a board between a couple of chairs papering a ceiling...and the stuff stayed up, unlike like my experience. I also do not remember a helper.....

Friday, May 03, 2013

Monday, May 3, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 3, 1965
Monday, lovely, warm day, 78. I washed.  Sue home with cold.  I wrote to Dougie and we had a card from him.  Girls and I went to Joyce's after music for talent show at night. Wayne worked for Earl after school.
Comment: Joyce is Joyce Bailey, pianist at Flat Creek Baptist. Don't know for sure what Wayne was doing for Earl but probably helping him build something...a pond, cabins, docks and decks. 78 is pretty high this time of year on the is the view off the front porch looking south west toward Grand Gorge....

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Sunday, May 2, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 2, 1965
Sunday, beautiful warm day, upper 60's.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday school.  LaVerne's, Gerald and Mary Ann here for dinner.  Sue went fishing with Wayne and Korener children in afternoon.  Culliton and  Debby here in pm.  Carol and I went to meeting at parsonage about evangelist coming and girl's ordination.
Comment:  No idea who Culliton and Debby are....also not sure what "girl's ordination" means..If one is ordained, that means one is a minster of some kind

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Saturday, May 1, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 1, 1965
Saturday, nice day, 60's. We went shopping in Middleburgh, home at about 1 pm.  David had to go to National Guard Duty.  Sue went to Central Bridge with Wayne and Laura in pm.  Gerald and Mary Ann came early Sunday morning.

Gerald, Carol, Susan, Dad, David, Wayne, LaVerne
Comment: Me, LaVerne, Doug, Marilyn, and David all served in the military in one way or another.  Three years in the Army for me, two for Laverne, 4 years in the Marines for Marilyn, and four in the Navy for Doug.  David served in the National Guard for six years.   Here is an old picture of me with the family when they visited me at Fort Devens, Massachusetts in 1957 just before I shipped out for the Army Language School in Monterey, CA.  I was on a 3 day 16  hour a day stretch of KP, (kitchen duty for all you civilians) when they arrived and the mess sergeant let me off for a couple of hours to see them.  The transit company I was in only had about 30 guys but still had to draw the duty of a full company of about 200, so it was a pretty grueling period of continuous  KP and guard duty...on the other hand, nobody was shooting at me so it wasn't that bad.....
You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"