June 17, 1963
Monday, very nice day, 60’s some clouds in pm. I did a big wash and went to Orpha Browns funeral at church in afternoon. Carol didn’t have school she stayed with Marlene. Susan went home with Patty Young from school but didn’t stay all night.
Comment: Wash day and a funeral, can't be too much fun. I think Patty Young was a daughter of the Youngs who lived about 4 miles away just before the Lees and Cleveland's places on the road to West Conesville. The Youngs men were large, raw-boned, tall and tough. I remember William Young dying of cancer very shortly after it was diagnosed because he never sought treatment. After he died, we learned he was taking a couple of bottles of aspirin a day to handle the pain. It seemed that many folks did not seek medical help with their afflictions and I'm not sure why. Probably a lot to do with lack of money or that they were inured to the pain and sickness because they always had to work through it anyway running the farms. Uncle Earl thought he had a heart attack and never did anything about it and died shortly after. My Dad very seldom went to the doctor. Of course, we've got to remember that that generation lived through the greatest pandemic in history, the Spanish Flu, around 1917, so they must have been doing something right. That pandemic killed from 18 to 22mm worldwide. So far, Covid 19 has killed 3.83mm worldwide.....Here is a picture of Susan a little younger than in 1963 when she was about 11 years old...
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