Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Saturday, March 7, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

March 7, 1964
Saturday, partly cloudy and cool, windy.  I was about sick with a cold.  Marilyn and kids here about noon.  Sue went with me to church in pm to practice piano for Easter.  Carol went to ball game and David helped Jim with his car.  Wayne worked on chicken ranch.  Took horse to sale but did not sell him.  We went to Marilyn's for supper.  Clifton and Jim went to sale and didn't get Jim's car fixed.
Comment:  We were always working on our cars, usually because we could only afford used ones and something was always breaking down.  Dad could fix about anything and did "ring" jobs, rebuilt carburetors, rear ends, and transmissions, replaced wheel bearing, brakes and electrical systems..not sure what is wrong with Jim's car but would be kinda surprised if it's not fixed in a day or so.   Unfortunately, that did not mean that they stayed fixed for long.  Here is Dad working on a 1936 Packard Clipper that always seemed to overheat.  On the small table to the left are various parts and tools.  Behind the table is a  roofing-tin pen that holds either baby chicks or pigs.  To the right is the rear wheel of an 1942 Allis Chalmers C Tractor.  The tire is a used 12 ply truck tire on a drop-center rim.  Stretching a 12-ply tire over a drop-center rim could take most of the day for a couple of kids.....

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"