March 31, 1963
Sunday, beautiful sunny day 72. We were in N.J. Clifton and I went to church in am. Clifton filed points on car and it ran better.
Comment: Minor repairs to car. We were constantly working on the cars, trucks, tractors and other farm equipment we had. Most of the stuff was second-hand and wasn't in that good shape when we bought it. Dad usually looked for stuff that was slightly broken because he knew he could usually fix it. So regardless of what the day's work project was, we would usually spend an hour or so getting the stuff operable. This would involve getting engines gassed up and started, lubricating many grease fittings, adjusting baler knotters and mowing machine cutter bars, inflating tires and adjusting drive chains and belts. Usually by then, we were gas-stained and grease covered. Here is a picture of Dad working on a '36 Packard Clipper, probably changing head gaskets because that damn car always overheated. When we took it out, we always took along a jug of water to refill the radiator. In the left background is a make-shift pen of metal roofing that we made to house the current crop of baby chicks.