Sunday, July 03, 2011

July 3, 1963, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 3, 1963
Wednesday, very cool, 50’s, windy.  Gerald and Wayne went to Catskill after fender for Olds then Wayne went to Schoharie and girls went too.
Comment:  36 degree decline in temperature, Dog  Days done for awhile at least.  I think we had to get a fender because Wayne might have hit a cow with my car.  There were quite a few accidents with cattle in the road because cattle do not have very good depth perception and will walk right in front of a moving vehicle. I remember hitting at least one.  The family was returning home from somewhere; the car was full, I was driving, and we saw that the cows were out in the road in front of the barn.  I wanted to get ahead of them on the road to prevent them from straying into the big hay lot in back of the house.  I was looking toward the side at the cows as I drove by when a cow appeared in front of the car so close I only saw her backbone and upper body.  I hit the brakes a little too late and the next thing I saw were the cow's four feet sticking up in the air over the hood.  The impact had completely flipped the cow over.  She got up a wandered off with no injury and the 51 Chevy only had a broken is what could have happened......

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"