Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saturday, May 15, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 15, 1965 Saturday, beautiful day, 70's. We went to Middleburgh shopping in am, took Susan Stryker to Roberta's about 4 pm.  Gerald and Mary Ann came, Laura and Earl all here for supper, had tacos and enchiladas.  I went to church at night, Madelyn went with me.  Roger, Maureen and Steven here at night.
Comment: Lots of visitors...Mom must have picked up on the Mexican food from their trip to California to visit Marilyn...I don't ever remember any type of Mexican food while a is the dining room where everybody ate if they could find a chair. The books on the table are all photograph books that Mom kept. When the family visited, we usually would bring them all our and reminisce. Roger & Maureen were good college friends.


Loretta said...

Guess families are mostly alike when it comes to looking at old family pictures, best way to spend time.

I am a long-time teacher of said...

Fond memories of that crowded dining room...

I am a long-time teacher of said...

Fond memories of that crowded dining room...

You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"