Saturday, March 02, 2013

Tuesday, March 2, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

March 2, 1965
Tuesday, beautiful, sunny day, 50's.  Clifton and I went to Mother's for dinner.  Wayne home with a touch of flu maybe.  Mary and little brother here when we got home from Cobleskill.  David went down there for supper.
Comment: "Wayne's in bed, we think it's flu, he has a real bad cough, a Grand Gorge boy's been torn apart by a tractor power take-off".....I wonder if this is where I got this line about 25 years later for "The Party Line...." take a listen...this is a recording from a performance at the Artichoke, a folk venue in Portland....kinda the link to list4en

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"