Monday, March 11, 2013

Thursday, March 11, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

March 11, 1965
Thursday, mostly fair, but cold, windy.  Wayne's ( 19th) Birthday.  I baked a cake and made lasagna before I went to Missionary Meeting at Madelyn's.  We teed off a quilt.  Clifton went to auction to Cobleskill and bought 3 pigs.  David went to Hudson about a job and could have it if he got a Class 1 license.  Laura here for supper.  Prayer meeting here at night; only Mayos and Kingsleys.

Comment: Wayne was born in 1946, one of the first "Baby Boomers"....."In the United States, approximately 79 million babies were born during the Baby Boom. Much of this cohort of nineteen years (1946-1964) grew up with Woodstock, the Vietnam War, and John F. Kennedy as president"  

Wayne died December 3, 2005 age he would have been 77

1 comment:

Gerry Hubbard said...

From Marilyn: Makes me want to cry. Pictures are great. Thanks Gerald

You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"