Thursday, September 08, 2011

September 8, 1963 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

September 8, 1963
Sunday, lovely, warm day 75.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday School . We drove down to LaVerne's and saw their new carpet and furniture.  Girls and I went to church at night. Ruthe said Ella was in hospital since Friday night, first I knew of it.

Comment:  Triple church Sunday.  Picture of Flat Creek Baptist in its younger days.   Ella still in hospital but Mom apparently forgot because she mentioned it yesterday.  LaVerne remodeling the Gilboa house.  Ella was probably in the Margaretville hospital.  There was a Doctor Palen that Merel and Ella liked and he worked from there.  I went there with appendicitis when I was sixteen and still have the massive scar........

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"