Saturday, September 21, 1963
Saturday, cloudy, 42. I washed in the am. Wayne and Clifton went to look at cars again and came home with a 64 Plymouth. LaVerne and Roberta went with us to the Masonic supper. Carol and Sue waited on table. Gerald and Mary Ann came home for dinner and spent the afternoon here.
Comment: Dinner was the noon meal..... Dad was a Mason for many years and I remember the Mason's book he had. I think it was the new testament but was in a code and I remember my mother being able to read it aloud without any trouble at all. She would read it to us kids from time to time for a lark but Dad never did....Here is a picture of the Masonic Emblem:
It was made of up two items:
- The Masonic square, which symbolizes a state of moral rectitude.
- The Masonic compasses symbolize an implement of virtue by which Masons are taught to circumscribe (create a boundary around) their passions and keep their desires within due bounds.
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