September 11, 1963
Wednesday, sunny, clear and warm, 70, becoming cloudy toward night. I picked cucumber and beans and 150 ears of corn and put them in the freezer. Bonny and Glenn here at night a minute to borrow our truck to move Barry.
Comment: Major vegetable harvest, lots of sweet corn. I think Barry was moving up to a small house on the Bush road after he was married. I don't have a picture of Bonny but here is a picture of the Taylor family when Barry and Glenn were little.....
Thirty-Seven Years Later: September 11, 2000: I was on a bicycle and was hit by a car and was in the hospital for 21 days:
Thirty-Eight Years Later: September 11, 2001: I was on an exercise bike in our local YMCA still recovering and my home nurse, after hearing on the car radio about the attack, got scared and came into the Y to be with people. She saw me and we spent the next hour watching the towers come down....
Thirty-Seven Years Later: September 11, 2000: I was on a bicycle and was hit by a car and was in the hospital for 21 days:
Thirty-Eight Years Later: September 11, 2001: I was on an exercise bike in our local YMCA still recovering and my home nurse, after hearing on the car radio about the attack, got scared and came into the Y to be with people. She saw me and we spent the next hour watching the towers come down....
Fifty-Four Years Later: On September 11, 2017, I was released from the hospital on this day after a triple by-pass operation but was not checked for a bowel infection so I went to the emergency room and spent the night pretty much in agony till the infection cleared my system.
In 2021, I'm not leaving home.
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