Monday, December 05, 2011

Friday, December 6, 1963 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

December 6, 1963
Friday, nice day, sunny.  Left Sullivan 5:10 am.  Came through the Ozarks, ate breakfast 7:30 at a nice place.  The Ozark roads good but a lot of corners coming up from the mountains.  Ran off the road in Baxter, Kansas 9:40 am, and missed our turn.  In Oklahoma at 10 am and took Will Rogers Turnpike.  Called Marilyn about 10:30 am.  Tulsa at noon.  Oklahoma City 2:30, warm here, leaves on trees.  Stayed at McClean, Texas overnight.
Comment:  About 620 miles, they are certainly moving fast.  This is what David says about running off the road:    "We went on to the shoulder of the road that dipped down a little . The one wheel trailer we were pulling had a tendency  to pull on the back of the car when the car was not level . Therefore we skidded across the road a bit and regained control (@ 65 mph scary)  then went on our way."  David John Hubbard
McClean is in the heart of the oil, cattle and ranching area of Texas.  Here is how the town might have looked.  They are on the fabled Route 66.........
Motel In McClean, Texas
Howdy From McClean, Texas
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Gerry Hubbard said...

From Susan Hubbard: I do remember it. But what I remember was that we just ran off the shoulder of the road, then back on again. Seems like maybe David was driving... I remember I was sitting in the middle of the back seat, with Wayne on one side, and apparently I had gripped his leg in the “scare”, and after it was all over, Wayne turned to me and said – “you can let go of my leg now”. I hadn’t even realized I had do it in my reflex response.

I don’t remember there being “1” wheel on the trailer, thought there were 2, but I have a pic of the car all loaded up. Maybe I can find it... :) Love - Susan

Gerry Hubbard said...

From Marilyn: They could have hit some really bad weather through New Mexico. The altitude there is High. We know many thing now we were not aware of back then. "M"

You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"