Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Friday, September 11, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

September 11, 1964
Friday, much cooler in pm, 60.  Beautiful warm day, 80, windy rain in the night.  I washed before kids left for school.  Made canned peaches.  Clifton called in the afternoon from Old Forge.  I wrote to Marilyn.  Danny Tait came about heater.  I took girls to parsonage at night and stayed down.
Comment: Thirty-six years later on the same day, I'll get hit by a car on my bike and spend 21 days in the hospital. I was still in rehab during the 9/11 attack 37 years later riding a stationary bike at the Madison YMCA and saw the event on television from start to finish. Strangely enough, my rehab nurse was driving by the Y, heard about the attack on the radio and was scared, came into the Y for comfort. She saw me and we watched the events together......and 53 years later I will spend about 36 hours in agony suffering from a severely impacted bowel because the hospital staff did not check for it when I was released from a CABG3 operation after using narcotic pain relievers for the previous 5 days. I still call September 11, my lucky day.

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"