Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Friday, May 15, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

May 15, 1964
Friday, nice day. I washed in am and cleaned little bedroom off girl's room and baked cookies.
Comment: This is a picture of that room after it was turned into a laundry room and sewing room after all the kids had left.....not very big for a bedroom and I remember I and the other boys, David, Doug or Wayne sleeping there in one three quarter sized bed..at least it was warm in the winter....I also remember Marilyn, LaVerne and I as quite young kids singin cowboy songs in bed until our mother came in and shushed us. The song that sticks in my mind is "When The Works All Done This Fall" Take a listen....we would sing this song for hours...


John Hubbard said...

How did you kids learn the song? From the radio?

Gerry Hubbard said...

I listened! Never hear that one. Wasn’t Marty Robbins great. :) Susan

You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"