Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday, January 27, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

January 27, 1964
Monday, beautiful day, 60's.  I washed, kept Dean and Patty til 2.  Marilyn worked, Jim here for dinner.  Clifton still sick, throat worse.  Went to Dr's in pm and got a shot, had tonsillitis.  Marilyn and kids here a while.
Comment: Dad still sick but went to doctors instead of toughing it out as usual. I remember him struggling with illnesses while still going to work, sometimes in very severe weather, and of course, the damned cows always had to be milked no matter how sick anyone is a pix of Dad next to a grader he was operating and also a link to my tribute to Dad that many have already seen but still might be of interest:

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"