May 29, 1963
Wednesday, cloudy and rainy in am, some sun in pm. I finished cleaning little bedroom and my room. Winnie, Anna, Beth and Randy were here when the bus came for a few minutes.
Comment: Aunt Winnie was my Dad's youngest sister married to Rudy Blakesley. Her children, Beth and Randy were with her. Do not know who Anna is. Not sure what "when the bus came for a few minutes" means. The only buses I ever saw were school buses and Winnie lived in Ravenna, on the Hudson River. Here is a picture of Aunt Winnie one day on the Hill.....the desk on the right was a hand-made gift to my parents from Grover Haner, I think....
Anna was my grandmother..Dad's mother..You remember her don't you Gerald?
I bet it means Aunt Winnie arrived at the same time as the school bus, and stayed a few minutes. Who was Grover Haner? Did Grandma Van Tassel work for him?
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