May 23, 1963
Thursday, mostly cloudy, windy, cold, 30 in am early, 35 high for day. I tore off paper in little bedroom and papered ceiling. Kids wore heavy coats to school. I wrote to Doug. So cold all day. We went to prayer meeting at night.
Comment: Very cool day with wind. This is not that unusual. I remember once in mid-May we had about 30" of snow. Claude Castle, our school bus driver, got the bus stuck on the road over toward Uncle Earle's and had to dig it out. I remember he had chains on the bus and still got stuck. Claude bought a brand new Ford car every year and he would take these tremendously long rides with his family on the weekends and tell us about them as he drove us to school. Because us kids were sometimes late in making the school bus, he started blowing the bus horn when he was about a half-mile away on the cross road. He did this for a couple of days until Dad met the bus one day and had a word with him. He never blew the horn again. The Van Akens lived about a mile up a dirt road from the school bus route and were always running frantically to make the bus as Claude laid on the horn for minutes at a time, even as the kids were running down the hill. BTW, the school buses in the 40's and early fifties were blue and not the bright yellow of today and kinda looked like the picture below....
1 comment:
Hey - I am definitely delighted to find this. Good job!
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