Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14, 1963 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

April 14, 1963
Sunday, sunny,  40’s and 50’s. Clifton and girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Mother, Norm, LaVerne and Roberta were here for Easter dinner.  Earl and Lillian called in the pm. We went to Prattsville in pm to see the car the 3 fellows were killed in. We went to chapel at night. The girls sang.
Comment:  Another Sunday, family gathers for Easter dinner, church, Sunday school and chapel.  Not sure what Carol and Susan sang but probably pretty nice.  About a year later, they and Wayne would sing a the 1964 New York World's Fair and one of the songs would be "On The Wings Of A Dove" and it was very sweet.   Wayne loved the song and would always do it when we had a sing-along.  Wish I had a recording of it.  
It was common to go see the car wreckage after a major accident.  I remember when Duane Thorington, home on leave after finishing  Marine boot camp, hit a tree on Main Street (Route 145)  just at the north eastern limits of of Middleburg, at ninety miles per hour.  The driver's side of the car was totally demolished and we could still see blood stains on the tangled metal.  He was alone in the car.
Easter was a pretty big deal and the whole family would dress in their best an go to Church.  
Here is Dolly Parton singing Wings Of A Dove.  The kids did it just as good....

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"