Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Friday, July 31, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 31, 1964
Friday, beautiful, clear, 72, cool wind.  I did a big wash.  Gerald went to work at 1 pm.  Pat Vale called said she couldn't come; had a flight to Puerto Rico but would come Saturday.
Comment: Not sure who Pat Vale is...this is the laundry room just after Mom moved out...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Thursday, July 30, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 30, 1964
Thursday, lovely day, clear and cooler.  Sue went to swimming lessons.  Then she and I went to Mother's and Cobleskill shopping.  Everyone was working.  Wayne worked for Earl.
Looking West
Comment: Money coming in for all....

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wednesday, July 29, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaires

July 29, 1964
Wednesday, hot and humid, 85 cooler in pm, showers all around but we had very little rain.  I ironed nearly all day.  Boys all worked at Timberland.  I wrote to Marilyn.
Comment: Probably Mom worked the hardest ironing all day....Mom as a young woman....about 22, with LaVerne about 1 and Dad about 27.......

Tuesday, July 28, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 28, 1964
Tuesday, hot and humid, 86.  I baked cupcakes for camp cookies, pies and roasted meat in am.  I ironed all afternoon.  Louvilla called and said Janet had a nine pound girl.  LaVerne called for Doug and David to work at Timberland for a couple of days.
Comment: Must have been a hot one in the house with all the baking going on. No AC back then.......Janet is Janet Kingsley who married Chip Halleck, Flora Del's first cousin.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Monday, July 27, 1964, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 27, 1964
Monday, beautiful day, clear and warm.  Clifton started work at Canajoharie; home between 7:30 and 8.  Took Carol to camp.  Melody came home with Sue.  David went to Duanesberg job hunting early at 6 am, no luck.  Doug worked down at Laverne's.  Gerald started work 5 am.  I did a big wash.
Comment: The weeks starts rather busy. I think I'm off hauling bark from the paper mills in Mechanicville to the Timberland plant in Stamford. The trailers were in poor condition with bad brakes and sometimes the trailers were significantly overloaded...and of course, we drove like maniacs....here is the route we took. About 162 miles round trip with perhaps an hour or so for trailer dropping, hook-up and dumping at the plant...we were lucky if we could make 2 trips a day in 10 hours or so......

Sunday, July 26, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 26, 1964
Sunday, overcast, 70's, clearing some in pm.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday School and on to LaVerne's and Roberta's  for dinner.  Doug and David too.  Wayne had to work and Gerald went to Gloversville.  They brought us home at night.  Winnie, Rudy, Randy, Earl, Lillian, Robert Shermerhorn and Barrie Taylor called at night.
Comment: Busy Sunday..here are Rudy and Winnie at the Hubbard Hill house...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Saturday, July 25, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaires

July 25,1964
Saturday, cloudy, seeing east wind.  I washed, Doug worked for Earl, Wayne at 8 am at Timberland.  Clifton home late, last day at Selkirk.  Ina Belle and Bonnie here for dinner.
Dad, Ina Belle, Evelyn and I think Paul Reynolds with Mark
Comment: Three of us and sometimes 4 trying to make a living off Timberland Charcoal..I delivered it, LaVerne managed it and David and Wayne made it. Here is a picture of Ina Belle about that time, do not have any pictures of Bonnie Taylor, Evelyn's daughter.....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Friday, July 24, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 24, 1964
Friday, hot and humid, 80's. Clifton went to work at Selkirk.  Wayne got license for his car.  David went to try for his class 1 license and didn't wait for the truck.  Girls and I went to Middleburgh shopping with Wayne's car.  Liz came home with us and went to camp at night.
Comment: Aah.. the Class 1 license which meant one could drive anything on the roads, mostly 18 wheelers. Not sure when the requirement went in but my Class 1 was grandfathered in from driving truck in the early 60's. I lost it when I forgot to renew my license when I moved to Ohio in 1973 and have always regretted it.....I still sometimes would like to take a trip in a big rigc.and one more time...my Truck Driving Memories performed by David Hubbard......click link below to play the song...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Saturday, July 23, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 23, 1964
Saturday, still overcast, but cooler, way dry.  Clifton, the girls, and I went to Grand Gorge in am after birthday gift for mother.  Boys all went out at night but Gerald, he had to work.  We took Wayne's car and went to Papa's and Billie's in the evening.  Mother and Norm over.  I took a birthday cake and ice cream for Mother's birthday, July 27.
Comment:  Mother, Bessie Laraway Barber Van Tassel, was born July 27 1892, and died March 14, 1989, at 97.  She was 72 in 1964, eleven years younger than I am now.  Somehow that's kind of eerie......here she is playing 42 with us on the hill.......

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wednesday, July 22, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 22, 1964
Wednesday, hot and humid, 80's, thunder shower in afternoon, very light rain only laid dust.  Clifton, girls and I went to Oneonta and Maridale.  Wayne bought Seneca Car (second hand?) off Hinkley.  David went with Gerald on (charcoal) run at 4 pm.  LaVerne and Roberta were here in evening.
Oneonta Area In The Fall
Comment:  Another charcoal run with David, probably be a long one if starting at 4pm, not sure what they were doing in Maridale, a small town south of Oneonta......

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tuesday, July 21, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaires

July 21, 1964
Tuesday, hot and humid, overcast, 80's.  Took sue to swimming lessons.  Papa, Billy and Aunt Flora here in evening.
Comment: Papa was Clarence Barber, Mom's father and Billy was his wife.  Aunt Flora was Bessie's and Billy's sister.
In this picture, back row from left:  Papa, Bessie, Norm, Billie, Aunt Flora
First Row:  Mom, Emma Tenblad, Carol, Nancy Smith, Me, Dad. Picture circa 1961 or so....

Friday, July 20, 2012

Monday, July 20, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 20, 1964
Monday, hot and humid, 82, overcast most of the day.  Very dry.  I washed.  Wayne and Doug went car hunting.  Lillian and Bob stopped for a minute with Earl's new car, a Falcon.  Boys took Wayne to work at 3 pm.  Gerald left 8:30am for Syracuse.  Clifton finished on Thruway.
Schoharie Valley From Vrooman's Nose
Comment:  Me on another charcoal run, Dad out of work

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sunday, July 19, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 19, 1964
Sunday, very hot and humid, 84, shower in pm.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday School. 15 there from camp.  Paul Churchill here for dinner.  Clifton took Wayne to work with Gerald's car, he had ours.  Girls and I went to church at night and went after Wayne midnight.  Ernestine Bragmans (?) funeral.
View To The West From Hubbard Hill House
Comment: Not sure who Ernestine is...we seem to be trading cars a lot...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saturday, July 18, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 18, 1964
Saturday, hot and humid, 80's, but windy.  Clifton and boys went to Cobleskill in am after David's car.  Ronnie, Deanna and baby here in pm.  Carol and Sue baby sat for them from 8-1:30.  Clifton and I went to South Jefferson with Mr. Mayo to the rally.  We went after Wayne at Timberland 11 pm.  Gerald went to Mary Ann's and boys went to Saratoga.
Comment: And the weekend begins with lots of activity..not sure who Ronnie and Deanna are......this is Mary Ann and me in that time period at her house in Gloversville....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Friday, July 17, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 17, 1964
Friday, 80's, hot and humid.  I washed in am and cleaned the house.  Clifton didn't work. He and David cultivated garden in am.  David went to Cobleskill about his car and Clifton went to Grand Gorge to have oil changed in ours.  Gerald got back from Brighton Mass 9:30 pm.  Doug called from Windham at noon to meet him in Grand Gorge.  Wayne started after him with truck and had a wreck below Lyle's.  Madalyn and her sister in law brought him home.  Clifton, girls and I took Wayne to work at 3pm shopped in Stamford.  David took his car to Cobleskill and had to leave it.
Comment: Bad day on the hill...wrecks and breakdowns....22 hour driving trip for me....

Thursday, July 16, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 16, 1964
Thursday, hot and humid. I finished ironing, Sue went to swimming lessons.  Enke's house arrived on trailer truck and they broke the electric wires.  Girls and I went to Baptist camp at night, good speaker.  Gerald left for Brighton Mass 11 pm.
The Elmer Hubbard House
Comment: Enkes were our closest neighbors to the west and originally lived in the Elmer Hubbard House but then put a manufactured home about a half mile further east on Hubbard Road. I'm sure losing the electricity was a pain. I'm hauling charcoal and it will be a long trip.....

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wednesday, July 15, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 15, 1964
Wednesday, Sue's Birthday.  Windy high clouds.  I ironed most of the day and picked peas in pm.  Becky came home with Sue from swimming lessons and stayed overnight.
Comment: Happy Birthday Susan.....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tuesday, July 14, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 14, 1964 Tuesday. nice day.  I washed in am.  Sue went to swimming lessons.  Melody Sullivan was here.  I picked peas.  David went to Saratoga to go job hunting, no luck.  Wayne went to work midnight.
Comment: David still job hunting, still picking peas......

Friday, July 13, 2012

Monday, July 13, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 13, 1964
Monday, strong east wind, and rainy.  I did mending and finished black dress.  David went job hunting, no luck.
Comment: Sounds kinda dreary. Hubbard Hill could be pretty miserable sometimes. It's also Monday.......here is David and Craig playing on the Farmall in 1976....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hubbard Family Reunion 1978

This will take you back to the time when many of our loved relatives were still alive and the kids who are now forty or so with kids of their own, were kids themselves.....take a look


Sunday, July 12, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 12, 1964
Sunday, hot and humid and overcast.  Girls and I went to church and Gerald, Clifton, David and us went to Hallenbeck's for dinner, nice time, home about 8:30.  LaVerne and Roberta didn't go because plant (Timberland) broke down.  Wayne stayed home and slept all day.  He went to work at night but because of breakdown at the plant, he came home.  
Comment: The Hallenbecks are George and Mary, Mary Ann's family from Gloversville, NY. I don't remember the dinner well but I'm sure the Hallenbeck family put on a feast including an authentic, wonderful pasta and maybe Braciole as a meat course.  The couples became pretty good friends and would travel together to see us in Niagara Falls and Madison, OH.  Below is a picture of them at the Hubbard Family Reunion in 1978.  Comment From Susan:  I remember, it was a feast!  I remember lots of food, but in particular, each of us had a bowl of spaghetti, thinking that was our main course, which was lovely, and more than enough with the other dishes served – THEN, Mrs. Hallenbeck brought out Chicken Cacciatore – which we had never had before, and it was DELICIOUS!!!  J Susan

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Saturday, July 11, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 11, 1964
Saturday, 82, hot.  I picked peas again. Clifton, the girls and I went to Middleburgh 11:30 after pipe for drain.  Clifton worked on it in the pm.  I went to business meeting at church at night.
View To The West From The House
Comment:  Another weekend rolls around.  Always something to repair at the house and always something doing with the church.....

Monday, July 09, 2012

Friday, July 10, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 10, 1964
Friday, lovely day, 70's.  I washed in am and went after huckleberries. Clifton home at noon.  We went to Mother's for supper, did shopping first.  Gerald went to work at 1 pm and worked all night.
Comment: Must have been a long day for me...I'll bet I had a flat tire or breakdown somewhere to keep me out all night....I remember a couple of incidents like that. Below is a link of the Hubbard family picking huckleberries in the 70's:  

Picking Blue Berries on Hubbard Hill In The Seventies

Thursday, July 9, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 9, 1964
Thursday, nice day, cleaned church and fixed hymnals.  I picked first peas in pm.  Went to prayer meeting at night.  Wrote Marilyn in am.  David went to Gettysburg with Carson.  Doug called at night.
Comment: Carson is Carson Stryker, son of Max Stryker and brother to Maxie Stryker. Max ran a larger farm on the Schoharie Creek below the damn and bridge. Both were pretty good friends with Doug and David and both drove trucks as young men and developed their own trucking companies when older. Not sure what they were hauling to Gettysburg, probably charcoal....

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Wednesday, July 8, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 8, 1964
Wednesday, nice day, warmer and more humid, high thin clouds.  I worked in garden again.  David took Earl and Bob to Middleburgh in our truck after mowing machine.  Mary Ann called in evening and invited all of us and LaVerne and Roberta there for dinner.
Comment: Don't remember the dinner. Here is Mary Ann's house in 2009....

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Tuesday, July 7, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 7, 1964
Tuesday, lovely day, clear and cool, 70.  I washed in am and worked in garden.  Clifton didn't have to go to work until noon.  David and Wayne went to Cobleskill in am.  David got new 63 Chevy.  He, Carol and Sue picked it up at 4 pm.  Wayne went to work for Timberland midnight on pay-loader
Comment: Wayne was probably loading bark into the furnaces at Timberland to make charcoal. Don't remember David's 63 Chevy.....Here is how a '63 Chevy's looked..pretty cool.....

Friday, July 06, 2012

Monday, July 6, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Clifton John Hubbard
July 6, 1964
Monday nice day.  Clifton worked in am.  We went over to see Grandpa but they were sleeping and we didn't see him and went on to Grand Gorge in pm and had 4 tires put on car at Becker's.  Had a letter from Marilyn.
Comment: Boy, they seem to be going through tires, this is the second set this year so far....here is a picture of my Dad as a young man from Susan....

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Sunday, July 5, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 5, 1964
Sunday, nice day.  Went to church and Sunday school.  Took Doug to Grand Gorge and he met bus for Norfolk.  Clifton, girls and I went to church at night to the closing evening of D.V.B.S; church about full.
Comment: Doug back to duty, Bible school over.....

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Saturday, July 4, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 4, 1964
Saturday, partly cloudy, about 70.  Girls, Clifton and I here alone all day.  Doug and Wayne took car in am and didn't get back until night.  LaVerne and Roberta came in evening.  David showed up with Max Stryker about 5 am.  I am getting sick of these boy's actions.
Comment: Boys out partying and Mom annoyed...How David and Doug looked in about 1966.....

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Friday, July 3, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 3, 1964
Friday, cloudy and rain in am, clearing before noon.  I washed before bible school.  Ella came to church 11:30 and said Doug had been in Albany since 8:30 am. Phones out from bad showers; he called Merle at post office.  Carol and I came home and David and Carol started after him.  Patty Young came home with Sue from bible school, they met Wayne and Doug with Gerald's car at Quaker Street.  We went to Cobleskill shopping.  David did not come home at night.
Comment: Lot's of comings and goings, I must have been working if they used my car. David on the prowl.......

Monday, July 02, 2012

Thursday, July 2, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 2, 1964
Thursday, hot and humid, hard thunder showers 6 pm, heavy rain.  Girls and I went to Bible School.  I did some ironing in pm and baked rolls.  Clifton home late.  Gerald still not home.
Comment: Another hot day, I must have gone out again in the morning after finishing a 20 hour run the previous night at 8pm. Dad also working late. David must not have gone with me. By the way, Mom's rolls were to die for.....

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Wednesday, July 1, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

July 1, 1964
Wednesday, hot and humid, 85, light thunder showers in afternoon, becoming cooler.  Carol went home with Liz after DVBS.  I fixed Sue a dress in pm.  Gerald and David got home from Mass. about 8 pm.  Clifton home late.  Had letter from Ella Mae.  Hallocks finished haying here.
Comment: Twenty hour trip, not sure why it took so long...been a long work week so far...Dad too....haying done...
You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"