Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wednesday, November 20, 1963 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

November 20, 1963
Wednesday, nice day, 40's and 50's.  Clifton and I went to Albany to get racks and things for the car.  We stopped at trailer to see Gerald and went to Lorraine's for supper, home about 9:30.
Comment: I do not remember this visit. Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Howard lived some place near Albany where my trailer was situated on Central Avenue. The racks and things for the car were in preparation for their trip to CA to see Marilyn. Two days till the Kennedy assassination and a U2 crash on this date will help fuel conspiracy theories about Castro's involvement in it:  "U-2 Plane Reported in Crash KEY WEST, Fla - (UPI) 
A U-2 "spy" plane believed to be on a reconnaissance mission over Communist Cuba crashed Wednesday in the Gulf of Mexico Wednesday, 40 miles northwest of here. Military sources in Washington said the U-2 pilot did not radio any indication of trouble before the crash and the plane presumably went down due to mechanical trouble. However they said the crash could have been the result of a Cuban attack.
The pilot of the U-2 was identified as Capt. Joe E. Hyde Jr., 33 of La Grange, Georgia." 

The pilot was declared dead a couple of days later.  Apparently this crash was suppressed by the government and was not covered in national news.  I certainly do not remember anything about it........

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"