Saturday, July 09, 2005

Orrin Hubbard's Suicide

Orrin Hubbard Posted by Picasa

Sidney, New York. Orrin Hubbard, about 52, shot himself in Sidney, brother of Mrs. Joseph Dingman of Prattsville...Death Notice December 19, 1900

Orrin Hubbard shot himself at Sidney in New York
I wonder what the pressures were that made him pull the cork

Was it the booze or opium, back then the drugs of choice
That made him do that final act to forever still his voice

Undated is his nephew’s death ’neath runners of a sleigh
I wonder if that accident got to him in some way

We’ll never really know, it’s far beyond our minds to figure
To conjure up that small last straw that made him pull the trigger

So Orrin Hubbard ended all his pain and tears and strife
And Orrin Hubbard took a gun, and then he took his life

I guess man’s minds' the only thing that takes the world unleavened
Then cooks a heaven into hell or a hell into a heaven

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How old you make me feel. I remember Tommy Haskins' sleighing accident and used it all during my childrens sleighriding careers to keep them away from the road.

Linda Reed Mormile

You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"