Sunday, July 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Craig Evan Hubbard

Craig Evan Hubbard, Born July 18, 1969, Trenton, Michigan.
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Chubby baby, laughed a lot
Hardly ever cried
Put a joy in all our hearts
Put our cares aside

Little blond boy, big blue eyes
Playing, running, smiling
A little bit afraid of things
Made him more beguiling

Seemed left-handed & unique
Saw a world of different hue
Always asked the reasons why
And when and where and who

High school kid, had lots of fun
Drove his folks insane
Had his share of teen age ills
Came through all the same

Went to school, became a man
Kept his boyish heart
Always searching for the truth
Taking other’s part

So keep your kindness, songs and smile
And keep your dreams on, up, above
You’ll always be our cherished son
You’ll always have our deep strong love.

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"