Tuesday, August 31, 1965
Cloudy, little warmer. I washed, picked cucs and beans, made pickles. Clifton and David took Wayne's car to Raymond's (Brown's) in am to have brakes lined. We went to LaVerne's at nite and picked up Wayne's car after. Rained all nite.
Comment: They sure do a lot of dropping off and picking up related to cars....Raymond Brown's, over in Broom Center and just over the mountain was our go-to garage for just about any repair on cars or farm equipment. He had torches and welders and just about any other tool needed....it was probably about 4 miles away. We would also often go to Tom O'Hara's in Prattsville.....here is Tom, Ella and Betty at the Hubbard Hill House..not sure when...
Memories, Stories, Songs, Pictures And Poems About People, Places, And Events Around Hubbard Hill, In The Catskill Mountains, In The Town Of Gilboa, In The County Of Schoharie and The State Of New York.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 30, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Monday, August 30, 1965
Fair, clear, windy and cool, 32 to 55 degrees. I fixed skirt and dress for Sue and did some mending. Sue and I went to Ella's a few minutes at nite to take gifts for Anna Lewis's Sunshine Box.
Fair, clear, windy and cool, 32 to 55 degrees. I fixed skirt and dress for Sue and did some mending. Sue and I went to Ella's a few minutes at nite to take gifts for Anna Lewis's Sunshine Box.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Sunday, August 29, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaires
Sunday, August 29, 19
Cold, cloudy, windy, forties, rain showers in pm. Clifton, girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Carol and Sue sang. The boys, Laura, Mary and Carol and Sue went to the Cobleskill Sunshine Fair in the afternoon. It was cold and miserable. I went to church at night. Rita Proper, Freda and Helen were here in pm. So glad to see them. Doug called at 7:15 pm and said they got in at 12:30.
Comment: Doug ship apparently got in....doesn't sound like the fair was that "sunshiny".....
Cold, cloudy, windy, forties, rain showers in pm. Clifton, girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Carol and Sue sang. The boys, Laura, Mary and Carol and Sue went to the Cobleskill Sunshine Fair in the afternoon. It was cold and miserable. I went to church at night. Rita Proper, Freda and Helen were here in pm. So glad to see them. Doug called at 7:15 pm and said they got in at 12:30.
Comment: Doug ship apparently got in....doesn't sound like the fair was that "sunshiny".....

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Saturday, August 28, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Saturday, August 28, 1965
Nice in am becoming cloudy, windy and rainy. Much cooler in the evening. Gerald and Mary Ann left for Gloversville 12:30. I fixed curtains for living room in am. Clifton and I went to a turkey supper at the Conesville Fire Hall at night. Jackie and Marjorie and Laura were here at nite. Clifton had to work. Carol and I picked up David 8:30 pm at LaVerne's. He went with Wayne in the am.
Comment: Not sure who Jackie and Marjorie are, Laura must be Wayne's girl friend.....
Nice in am becoming cloudy, windy and rainy. Much cooler in the evening. Gerald and Mary Ann left for Gloversville 12:30. I fixed curtains for living room in am. Clifton and I went to a turkey supper at the Conesville Fire Hall at night. Jackie and Marjorie and Laura were here at nite. Clifton had to work. Carol and I picked up David 8:30 pm at LaVerne's. He went with Wayne in the am.
Comment: Not sure who Jackie and Marjorie are, Laura must be Wayne's girl friend.....
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Friday, August 27, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Friday, August 27, 1965
Lovely day, seventies. I washed and cleaned all through, picked cucs, made an apron, took Carol to Roberta's to babysit and went after her at 230 pm. Gerald and Mary Ann came at 430 p.m. and stayed overnight. Started sweet dill pickles.
Comment: Busy day for Mom....Grandma Bessie in the dining room...
Lovely day, seventies. I washed and cleaned all through, picked cucs, made an apron, took Carol to Roberta's to babysit and went after her at 230 pm. Gerald and Mary Ann came at 430 p.m. and stayed overnight. Started sweet dill pickles.
Comment: Busy day for Mom....Grandma Bessie in the dining room...
Monday, August 26, 2013
Thursday, August 26, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Thursday, August 26, 1965
Nice day. Franklin Clapper Jr. came in am and sold Wayne insurance. Girls and I went to Cobleskill shopping and took tux back and visited at Mother's for a few minutes.
Comment: Mom and the girls spent a lot of time together.....Wayne and family about 1968 at Christmas.....
Nice day. Franklin Clapper Jr. came in am and sold Wayne insurance. Girls and I went to Cobleskill shopping and took tux back and visited at Mother's for a few minutes.
Comment: Mom and the girls spent a lot of time together.....Wayne and family about 1968 at Christmas.....
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Wednesday, August 25, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Wednesday, August 25, 1965
Cloudy and warmer, high 70's. Had sick headache, wrote to Doug, finished pickles in pm. 930 pm I had to call Mrs. Enke to phone to call Norma's husband. Norma had a boy. Wayne came home from overnight.
Comment: Norma Enke was a neighbor girl about my age who used to come over a lot one summer when she first moved up to the Hill after Earl sold his farm to her father. Her husband must have been out of town when she had a baby.....Here is brother David and Mary with Todd in about 1968 or so.....Christmas in the living room on Hubbard Hill...
Cloudy and warmer, high 70's. Had sick headache, wrote to Doug, finished pickles in pm. 930 pm I had to call Mrs. Enke to phone to call Norma's husband. Norma had a boy. Wayne came home from overnight.
Comment: Norma Enke was a neighbor girl about my age who used to come over a lot one summer when she first moved up to the Hill after Earl sold his farm to her father. Her husband must have been out of town when she had a baby.....Here is brother David and Mary with Todd in about 1968 or so.....Christmas in the living room on Hubbard Hill...
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tuesday, August 24, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Tuesday, August 24, 1965
Fair, clear, lovely day, 72 degrees. I washed in am. Picked over a bushel of cucumbers and started pickles. Finished Debbie's dress.
Comment: Always busy....in the dining room about 1968...from left..Brother David, Mary, Son David, Mary Ann, Carol.
Fair, clear, lovely day, 72 degrees. I washed in am. Picked over a bushel of cucumbers and started pickles. Finished Debbie's dress.
Comment: Always busy....in the dining room about 1968...from left..Brother David, Mary, Son David, Mary Ann, Carol.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Monday, August 23, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Monday, August 23, 1965
Cloudy in am becoming fair later. I started Debbie's dress and worked in the garden. Had a card from Marilyn, they were near Arrowhead Lake and had been to Onda's
Comment: Not sure who Onda is but guess it is a person....I think Debbie is Debbie Carmen, one of the girl's friends.......
Cloudy in am becoming fair later. I started Debbie's dress and worked in the garden. Had a card from Marilyn, they were near Arrowhead Lake and had been to Onda's
Comment: Not sure who Onda is but guess it is a person....I think Debbie is Debbie Carmen, one of the girl's friends.......
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sunday, August 22, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Sunday, August 22, 1965
Rainy in am. Cloudy and cool, fifties. Girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Wilfred Young from PA preached. We called at LaVerne's in pm and picked up pig feed at Grand Gorge. Leonard Reynolds called here in evening before church. Girls and I went to church in evening.
Comment: Leonard was the father of Paul Reynolds who married sister Sue. Sometimes when he visited he would bring his guitar in and play some old country and western songs. Leonard is the grandfather of Mark and Steven Reynolds...he was in Europe during World War II and I remember him telling how the sky was completely filled with American bombers from horizon to horizon when on bombing missions to Germany.....here is memoir of that by a English citizen: This is what Leonard must have seen:
Rainy in am. Cloudy and cool, fifties. Girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Wilfred Young from PA preached. We called at LaVerne's in pm and picked up pig feed at Grand Gorge. Leonard Reynolds called here in evening before church. Girls and I went to church in evening.
Comment: Leonard was the father of Paul Reynolds who married sister Sue. Sometimes when he visited he would bring his guitar in and play some old country and western songs. Leonard is the grandfather of Mark and Steven Reynolds...he was in Europe during World War II and I remember him telling how the sky was completely filled with American bombers from horizon to horizon when on bombing missions to Germany.....here is memoir of that by a English citizen: This is what Leonard must have seen:
People in story: Edward Le Besque, Location of story: Bromley
Background to story: Civilian Article ID: A6759570 Contributed on: 07 November 2005
I was six when war broke out and twelve on VE Day; thus I had lived half my life under war conditions. My home was in Bromley, apart from twelve months or so in 1939-40 when we stayed with an aunt at Otford, near Sevenoaks.In 1941 I was a pupil in Lower One at Eltham College Junior School. We knew things were building up for an invasion, it was in the air, but of course we had no idea when or where.
I remember one day at home hearing the sound of aircraft; I looked up as usual, and saw to my amazement the advance of a great air armada. From left to right horizon, the sky was full of aircraft, the noise incredible, a continual drone as the leading aircraft passed overhead followed by more and more until the sky was full of planes and vapour trails. There were bombers, bombers towing gliders, various fighters and fighter bombers, a vast procession that seemed to have no ending.
An awesome experience that I have never forgotten, but I cannot place it in time. I am certain it was not D day, but it could have been the airborne attacks on the Rhine Bridges of which Arnhem was the most famous, or the later crossing of the Rhine.
This story was submitted to the People's War website by Helena Noifeld of BBC Radio Kent and has been added to the website on behalf of Edward Le Besque with his permission. He fully understands the site's terms and conditions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Saturday, August 21, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Saturday, August 21, 1965
Gerald and Mary Ann's wedding. Fair in am, becoming cloudy. Took girls to Linda to have hair done at 8 am. Left here 10 am and picked up Mother for the wedding, arriving at Hallenbeck's about 12 noon. Lovely wedding. Went to Hallenbeck's after the reception and home 10 pm. Emma (Tenblad) took mother home. Rained all night.
Comment: And a good time was had by all.......wow, 58 years.....
Gerald and Mary Ann's wedding. Fair in am, becoming cloudy. Took girls to Linda to have hair done at 8 am. Left here 10 am and picked up Mother for the wedding, arriving at Hallenbeck's about 12 noon. Lovely wedding. Went to Hallenbeck's after the reception and home 10 pm. Emma (Tenblad) took mother home. Rained all night.
Comment: And a good time was had by all.......wow, 58 years.....
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Friday, August 20, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Friday, August 20, 1965
Nice day and cooler. I washed in am and got last minute things ready for the wedding. LaVerne, Roberta, David, Carol and Sue went to Gloversville at nite for rehearsal, home 1130 pm.
Comment: No pictures of the rehearsal but this is how the parents of the bride and groom will look.......Mom mentioned working on that gold dress in several previous entries.....George and Mary Hallenbeck, Frances and Clifton Hubbard......
Nice day and cooler. I washed in am and got last minute things ready for the wedding. LaVerne, Roberta, David, Carol and Sue went to Gloversville at nite for rehearsal, home 1130 pm.
Comment: No pictures of the rehearsal but this is how the parents of the bride and groom will look.......Mom mentioned working on that gold dress in several previous entries.....George and Mary Hallenbeck, Frances and Clifton Hubbard......
Monday, August 19, 2013
Thursday, August 19, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Thursday, August 19, 1965
Nice day. Girls and I went to Cobleskill shopping and after tux from Middleburgh. Ate lunch with Papa and Billy. Called at Aunt Flora's and saw Marion and family. Girls and I went to prayer meeting at night.
Comment: Wedding getting close...here is picture of Mary Ann's shower...from left, Susan, Carol, Margie, Mary Ann's sister, Mary Ann, Lisa, her
cousin and Mary Lou, another cousin now deceased.....
Nice day. Girls and I went to Cobleskill shopping and after tux from Middleburgh. Ate lunch with Papa and Billy. Called at Aunt Flora's and saw Marion and family. Girls and I went to prayer meeting at night.
Comment: Wedding getting close...here is picture of Mary Ann's shower...from left, Susan, Carol, Margie, Mary Ann's sister, Mary Ann, Lisa, her
cousin and Mary Lou, another cousin now deceased.....
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Wednesday, August 18, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaires
Wednesday, August 18, 1965
Rain showers, cloudy, still hot and humid 75 degrees. I wrote to Doug, Marilyn and sent maps to different ones. Myrtie brought string beans down.
Comment: I think the maps are for directions to Mary Ann's and my wedding coming up on the weekend.....Cousins on the Hill.......
Rain showers, cloudy, still hot and humid 75 degrees. I wrote to Doug, Marilyn and sent maps to different ones. Myrtie brought string beans down.
Comment: I think the maps are for directions to Mary Ann's and my wedding coming up on the weekend.....Cousins on the Hill.......
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Tuesday, August 17, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Tuesday, August 17, 1965
Hot and humid, 83 degrees. I fixed my gold dress around the neck. Took Sue to corner for swim lessons. The girls and I went after vinegar in pm. Stopped at Ella Mayos and Roberta's and came back by Conesville. Sandy McPherson came with us for afternoon and supper.
Comment: Sound like Mom and the girls did a little ride around the area....another view of the old porch...me, LaVerne, Carol, Mary Ann....house looked half way decent at the time.....I'm playing Craig's Yamaha Acoustic Electric if anybody cares.......probably not very well....
Hot and humid, 83 degrees. I fixed my gold dress around the neck. Took Sue to corner for swim lessons. The girls and I went after vinegar in pm. Stopped at Ella Mayos and Roberta's and came back by Conesville. Sandy McPherson came with us for afternoon and supper.
Comment: Sound like Mom and the girls did a little ride around the area....another view of the old porch...me, LaVerne, Carol, Mary Ann....house looked half way decent at the time.....I'm playing Craig's Yamaha Acoustic Electric if anybody cares.......probably not very well....
Friday, August 16, 2013
Monday, August 16, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Monday, August 16, 1965
Hot, humid and sunny. I did a big wash, picked one and a half bushels of cucumbers, made pickles. Louise over in am and visited Ulle and Lex?. 88 degrees, hottest so far...
Comment: Ulle and Lex I think are part of the Kandora family that bought the farm from Earl and lived about a half mile west of us on Hubbard Road......Doug, Carol, Sue, Mary Ann, Frances.....sitting on the porch
Hot, humid and sunny. I did a big wash, picked one and a half bushels of cucumbers, made pickles. Louise over in am and visited Ulle and Lex?. 88 degrees, hottest so far...
Comment: Ulle and Lex I think are part of the Kandora family that bought the farm from Earl and lived about a half mile west of us on Hubbard Road......Doug, Carol, Sue, Mary Ann, Frances.....sitting on the porch
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Sunday, August 15, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Sunday, August 15, 1965
Hot and humid, 84 degrees. Girls and I went to church and Sunday School, a lot there, 71 in Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and family there. They went to Loucses? for dinner and called here and at Hall's in the pm. Girls and I went to church at night. Mr. Allen preached.
Comment: I think Allen''s were the former pastor family for the church. Not sure who they had dinner with.....here is a bunch of grand kids sitting in the family room. I think that is our youngest Craig, screaming...must have been about 1971....from right: Dean Harris, Craig Hubbard, Patty Harris, Tara Hubbard, I think, John Hubbard, Unknown, Marna Harris......from Marilyn: Gerald , that little boy by Marna is Dougie, Ellen's son.
Hot and humid, 84 degrees. Girls and I went to church and Sunday School, a lot there, 71 in Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and family there. They went to Loucses? for dinner and called here and at Hall's in the pm. Girls and I went to church at night. Mr. Allen preached.
Comment: I think Allen''s were the former pastor family for the church. Not sure who they had dinner with.....here is a bunch of grand kids sitting in the family room. I think that is our youngest Craig, screaming...must have been about 1971....from right: Dean Harris, Craig Hubbard, Patty Harris, Tara Hubbard, I think, John Hubbard, Unknown, Marna Harris......from Marilyn: Gerald , that little boy by Marna is Dougie, Ellen's son.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Saturday, August 14 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaires
Saturday, August 14 1965
Foggy in am becoming hot and humid and sunny in pm. Clifton had to work. Wayne and Laura came about 3 pm. They and the girls went to Grand Gorge. I did a lot of ironing. Girls and I went to South Jefferson to movie at nite. The men went to stag party for Gerald at Parrot House.
Comment: No pictures of the stag party but here is a picture of the Hubbard men with Paul Reynolds at the dining room table...not sure what year.....we are playing some sort of card game I guess.....seems like a solemn bunch.....and lots of horn rim glasses....
Foggy in am becoming hot and humid and sunny in pm. Clifton had to work. Wayne and Laura came about 3 pm. They and the girls went to Grand Gorge. I did a lot of ironing. Girls and I went to South Jefferson to movie at nite. The men went to stag party for Gerald at Parrot House.
Comment: No pictures of the stag party but here is a picture of the Hubbard men with Paul Reynolds at the dining room table...not sure what year.....we are playing some sort of card game I guess.....seems like a solemn bunch.....and lots of horn rim glasses....
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Friday, August 13, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Friday, August 13, 1965
Sunny and warm 70's. I washed. Sue went to swim lessons, we picked Carol up at Linda's in pm and went to grand Gorge for tire for Wayne. Took a check to Karl for insurance. Stopped at Roberta's a minute. Clifton, the girls and I went to Cobleskill at nite for fittings for suits for wedding. Picked peas, beans cucumbers. Dreadful hard showers at nite. 2" rain and some hail.
Comment: Busy day with extreme weather...some unhappy kids on the hill with Ellen and Mary to the far right.....
Sunny and warm 70's. I washed. Sue went to swim lessons, we picked Carol up at Linda's in pm and went to grand Gorge for tire for Wayne. Took a check to Karl for insurance. Stopped at Roberta's a minute. Clifton, the girls and I went to Cobleskill at nite for fittings for suits for wedding. Picked peas, beans cucumbers. Dreadful hard showers at nite. 2" rain and some hail.
Comment: Busy day with extreme weather...some unhappy kids on the hill with Ellen and Mary to the far right.....
Monday, August 12, 2013
Thursday August 12, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Thursday August 12, 1965
Cool and cloudy in am. Nice in pm. Sue and I went Missionary Meeting with Madalyn at Mrs. Huber's on Ellis? Hill. I went to prayer meeting at nite. Had business meeting after to decide about placing the mission money. Scantos? here at nite.
Comment: This one hard to read....a surprised Betty O'Hara and Marilyn on the hill with Grace I think.....
Cool and cloudy in am. Nice in pm. Sue and I went Missionary Meeting with Madalyn at Mrs. Huber's on Ellis? Hill. I went to prayer meeting at nite. Had business meeting after to decide about placing the mission money. Scantos? here at nite.
Comment: This one hard to read....a surprised Betty O'Hara and Marilyn on the hill with Grace I think.....
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Wednesday, August 11, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Wednesday, August 11, 1965
Rainy, cooler, clearing towards night. I wrote to Marilyn and Doug. Roberta and I took their Volkswagen to Albany. We window shopped, home about 8 pm. Girls stayed with John and Carol went to Linda's at night.
Comment: I don't remember LaVerne's having a Volkswagen at that time....John and Mark on the hill, probably early seventies....
Rainy, cooler, clearing towards night. I wrote to Marilyn and Doug. Roberta and I took their Volkswagen to Albany. We window shopped, home about 8 pm. Girls stayed with John and Carol went to Linda's at night.
Comment: I don't remember LaVerne's having a Volkswagen at that time....John and Mark on the hill, probably early seventies....
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Tuesday, August 10, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Tuesday, August 10, 1965
I washed, picked beans and cucumbers. Took Sue to swim lessons and she went home with Susan Stryker. Carol cleaned all through.
Comment: I guess I'll never forget how good the beans, peas and cucumbers tasted right off the vine after a couple of swipes on my shirt or pants leg to get the dirt off.....family picture sometime in the mid eighties, all the kids and their spouses. I think May Ann may have take the picture.....
I washed, picked beans and cucumbers. Took Sue to swim lessons and she went home with Susan Stryker. Carol cleaned all through.
Comment: I guess I'll never forget how good the beans, peas and cucumbers tasted right off the vine after a couple of swipes on my shirt or pants leg to get the dirt off.....family picture sometime in the mid eighties, all the kids and their spouses. I think May Ann may have take the picture.....
Friday, August 09, 2013
Monday, August 9, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Monday, August 9, 1965
Cloudy and heavy rains all am. Most rain in years. Clearing in pm and humid. Carol, Sue and I went to Grand Gorge after feed for the pigs in am. Saw Wayne at Gilboa and Carol went on the mail route with him. Sue and I went after her at 330 pm.
Comment: Pigs will eat just about anything available, and the larger ones have been known to kill and eat children and adults....there's an old sick-joke saying in the mountains about a happy time: "I ain't had as much fun since the hogs ate my little brother"......
Cloudy and heavy rains all am. Most rain in years. Clearing in pm and humid. Carol, Sue and I went to Grand Gorge after feed for the pigs in am. Saw Wayne at Gilboa and Carol went on the mail route with him. Sue and I went after her at 330 pm.
Comment: Pigs will eat just about anything available, and the larger ones have been known to kill and eat children and adults....there's an old sick-joke saying in the mountains about a happy time: "I ain't had as much fun since the hogs ate my little brother"......
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Sunday, August 8, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Sunday, August 8, 1965
Partly cloudy, hot and humid, thunder showers at night. Clifton, girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Carol stayed home. Earl Loyd from Balston Spa preached. Mayos on vacation in Ohio. LaVerne's here for dinner and went to Clifford's in pm. David came home from NYC about 9 am.
Comment: Doug and I about 1946, about the time we got electricity. LaVerne's old bike in the background...Jeffery is sure making some changes.....
Partly cloudy, hot and humid, thunder showers at night. Clifton, girls and I went to church and Sunday School. Carol stayed home. Earl Loyd from Balston Spa preached. Mayos on vacation in Ohio. LaVerne's here for dinner and went to Clifford's in pm. David came home from NYC about 9 am.
Comment: Doug and I about 1946, about the time we got electricity. LaVerne's old bike in the background...Jeffery is sure making some changes.....
Happy Birthday, Mary Ann Hubbard
Born in the middle of World War II to an army draftee and his wife, both 35 years old. Just completed 71 years of family, friends and fun.....
Happy Birthday Mary Ann Hubbard
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Saturday, August 7 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Saturday, August 7, 1965
Hot and humid, sunny. Laura stayed over nite and Wayne and girls, her brothers and sisters went swimming in the pm. Clifton and I went to Mother's for supper. I washed in am. We were all tired. Shirley Warner and Mann boy married at our church. Gerald and Mary Ann called.
Comment: From left: Waynie, Dougie, and Laura's daughters, Christie, Michelle..about 12 years later.....on the porch at Hubbard Hill...
Hot and humid, sunny. Laura stayed over nite and Wayne and girls, her brothers and sisters went swimming in the pm. Clifton and I went to Mother's for supper. I washed in am. We were all tired. Shirley Warner and Mann boy married at our church. Gerald and Mary Ann called.
Comment: From left: Waynie, Dougie, and Laura's daughters, Christie, Michelle..about 12 years later.....on the porch at Hubbard Hill...
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Friday, August 6, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Friday, August 6, 1965
Partly cloudy and humid. We left for World's Fair at 630 am. Arrived there about 1030. Stopped and ate breakfast. The kids did good singing. It was about perfect weather wise, nice cool breeze. We left the fairgrounds 930 pm and got home 1 am Saturday. Laura and Carol got blisters on their feet. David and Mary came about 5 pm and heard the last song.
Comment: And here they are, white heels and all.....the fair ran for two six month periods in the summers of 1964 and 1965 and the kids performed each year....
Partly cloudy and humid. We left for World's Fair at 630 am. Arrived there about 1030. Stopped and ate breakfast. The kids did good singing. It was about perfect weather wise, nice cool breeze. We left the fairgrounds 930 pm and got home 1 am Saturday. Laura and Carol got blisters on their feet. David and Mary came about 5 pm and heard the last song.

Monday, August 05, 2013
Thursday, August 5, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Thursday, August 5, 1965
Beautiful day, 70s. I put peas in the freezer, cleaned the wood house and helped clean the church. Girls, Louvilla, Madalyn and I went to camp at night. Four boys from camp over in the afternoon.
Comment: Lots of cleaning...here is a picture of the 5th grade of Gilboa Central in 1948. Can anyone identify the kids that I did not? I can't remember where the picture was taken....looks like a Depression era scene.....
Beautiful day, 70s. I put peas in the freezer, cleaned the wood house and helped clean the church. Girls, Louvilla, Madalyn and I went to camp at night. Four boys from camp over in the afternoon.
Comment: Lots of cleaning...here is a picture of the 5th grade of Gilboa Central in 1948. Can anyone identify the kids that I did not? I can't remember where the picture was taken....looks like a Depression era scene.....
![]() |
From Left: Unknown, Unknown, Marjorie Kohler, Rose Mattice, Rosilyn Ormsbee, Rose Brainerd, Unknown, Carol Palmer, Walter Micha, Gerald Hubbard, Bobby Pickett, Clayton Buel?, Donny Cornell |
Sunday, August 04, 2013
Wednesday, August 4 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Wednesday, August 4 1965
Clearing and warmer, nice. I washed in am. Girls and I went to Middleburgh and Cobleskill. Got girls white heels. Picked beans and peas in afternoon.
Comment: Here is a picture of Mom, Dad and the girls, Carol and Susan, on a trip to Niagara Falls to visit me and Mary Ann after our marriage. Probably sometime late 1965. I think they were looking at Polaroid pictures....
Clearing and warmer, nice. I washed in am. Girls and I went to Middleburgh and Cobleskill. Got girls white heels. Picked beans and peas in afternoon.
Comment: Here is a picture of Mom, Dad and the girls, Carol and Susan, on a trip to Niagara Falls to visit me and Mary Ann after our marriage. Probably sometime late 1965. I think they were looking at Polaroid pictures....
Saturday, August 03, 2013
Tuesday, August 3, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Tuesday, August 3, 1965
Still cold and cloudy. Had showers at night. I worked on and finished my dress.
Comment: Must be Mom's wedding dress...wish I had a picture of it..
Here is census data for the Elmer Hubbard family. At the bottom is the data for 1925 showing the completed family of Elmer. Anna, his mother, is age 75. John, his brother and wife Louise, are apparently living with them. All the kids are listed, aged 3 to 18. Elmer and Agnes were were 43 and 45 respectively and probably in their prime of life. I never realized the Agnes was older than Elmer.....thanks Michael...
Still cold and cloudy. Had showers at night. I worked on and finished my dress.
Comment: Must be Mom's wedding dress...wish I had a picture of it..
Here is census data for the Elmer Hubbard family. At the bottom is the data for 1925 showing the completed family of Elmer. Anna, his mother, is age 75. John, his brother and wife Louise, are apparently living with them. All the kids are listed, aged 3 to 18. Elmer and Agnes were were 43 and 45 respectively and probably in their prime of life. I never realized the Agnes was older than Elmer.....thanks Michael...
Friday, August 02, 2013
Monday, August 2, 1965 The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Monday, August 2, 1965
Very overcast and cool, 60. I sewed nearly all day. Had letter from Marilyn saying they wouldn't be coming to Gerald's wedding.
Comment: 19 days to go as a bachelor....Here are census records highlighting the family of Jabez Hubbard, my great, great, great grandfather. Interestingly, his name is misspelled a couple of times as Babish and Jabish. Still have no info about his parents....thanks to Michael Hubbard for the info...click on the picture for a larger view.....
Very overcast and cool, 60. I sewed nearly all day. Had letter from Marilyn saying they wouldn't be coming to Gerald's wedding.
Comment: 19 days to go as a bachelor....Here are census records highlighting the family of Jabez Hubbard, my great, great, great grandfather. Interestingly, his name is misspelled a couple of times as Babish and Jabish. Still have no info about his parents....thanks to Michael Hubbard for the info...click on the picture for a larger view.....
Thursday, August 01, 2013
Sunday, August 1, 1965, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Sunday, August 1, 1965
Cloudy and cool, 60s. Girls and I went to church and Sunday School. LaVerne's here for dinner. Laura and Earl here in the afternoon. Wayne, Laura and the girls went to Howe Caverns. I went to church at night. Wilbur Lounsbury was buried.
Comment: Life goes on...Wilbur lived on a farm about 3 miles from our place on Hubbard Road. His place was on a steep hill that dropped into a valley created by the Bear Kill Creek. His place was about a mile west of of Bear Kill Road leading down into the town of Conesville. Here is the family tree on my father's mother's side, Agnes Haskin...again from Michael Hubbard...this goes back to 1591 in England...came to the US in 1630....
Cloudy and cool, 60s. Girls and I went to church and Sunday School. LaVerne's here for dinner. Laura and Earl here in the afternoon. Wayne, Laura and the girls went to Howe Caverns. I went to church at night. Wilbur Lounsbury was buried.
Comment: Life goes on...Wilbur lived on a farm about 3 miles from our place on Hubbard Road. His place was on a steep hill that dropped into a valley created by the Bear Kill Creek. His place was about a mile west of of Bear Kill Road leading down into the town of Conesville. Here is the family tree on my father's mother's side, Agnes Haskin...again from Michael Hubbard...this goes back to 1591 in England...came to the US in 1630....
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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"