Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Oneonta Daily Star, December 20, 1955

GILBOA--"Off The Track," a comedy in three acts by Felicia Metcalf, was given by the class of 1956.

The cast included David Kispaugh, Gerald Hubbard, Mary Clark, Betty Snyder, Lucy Roe, Camilla Acello, Cosma DeSalvo, Charles Wyckoff, William Drebitko, Walter Micha, Rose Brainard, Bonnie Brown and Joan Marquit.

Here is a synopsis of the play I got off the Internet: I play Silas Dobbins.

A fascinating group of people are thrown together when a passenger train is derailed and the passengers wait inside for a relief train. The group includes three peppy college girls, a young male law student, a good-natured Italian woman and her two children, and the wealthy, extremely haughty Mrs. Reginald Vanderventer. There is also a nosy old maid, Miss Pidgie McDougal, a peculiar deaf man who has a mysterious old suitcase which he never lets out of his sight (tickling Miss Pidgie’s ever-present curiosity), and an engaged couple. The crowd is thrown into pandemonium when Mrs. Vanderventer discovers that her $10,000 string of pearls is missing, later discovered in Mrs. Guarino’s bag. Bill Lindsay, the prospective lawyer, announces that he is going to hold a preliminary trial and appoints a judge and jury. He will defend Mrs. Guarino. Cleverly, he clears her name and exposes the guilty party just in time for Miss Pidgie to learn about the contents of the mysterious suitcase! One interior set.

(5 men, 8 women, extras if desired)

Station agent, aged about forty works at his desk in his shirt sleeves and vest, wears a
green visor to shade his eyes. He is rather surly at times. Slightly gray, a few lines on
his forehead and at eyes, no rouge.

Handy man around the station keeps up the fire, sweeps out, and fills the water
cooler. Aged twenty-five wears old blue overalls and a blue shirt, a railroad cap with
a visor, heavy muddy boots. Hair needs cutting and he needs a shave, lines on
forehead and at eyes, florid complexion.

Attractive and peppy college girl aged eighteen. Wears a pretty suit and blouse, long
bob, plenty of lipstick, very little rouge.

Also a college girl, aged eighteen. Clothes, make-up, and hair-do similar to those for

College girl aged eighteen. Clothes, make-up, and hair-do same as for other girls.

MRS. GUARINO Camilla Acello
An Italian woman aged forty good-natured and generous, very fat. Wears a red scarf
over her head, her dress doesn't fit very well, her skirt is gathered all around her
waist, she wears large clumsy looking shoes, and a black coat. Her hair is black and
is combed straight back from her face to a knot on the back of her neck. Her
complexion is sallow-no rouge or lipstick.

Her daughter aged twelve. She has a dirty face and her hair needs combing wears a
plain cotton dress, rusty looking shoes, black hair, sallow complexion, no lipstick or

Attractive and good-looking college student aged twenty, wears a nice looking suit
with sweater, no hat, full of fun a little rouge on cheeks.

Aged fifty, hair is gray and becoming bald. He is deaf. He is wearing a badly fitting
suit of clothes. He is quite unsociable heavy lines on forehead and around eyes.

WILLIE WOODSON Billy Drebitkl, I think.
Thin, pale, slight in stature, aged twenty-two wears a nice suit, collar, and tie, very
little rouge.

Many Thanks To Maude Haskins For The News Clipping

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"