Names & Faces
Bobby Mace, Rudy Timm, I wonder where these folks have been
Doug Van Aken, Ernie Bevins, some are now in hell or heaven
Hartford Keith, Old Black Burt, Oscar Smith & Dirty Girt
Shirley Richmond, bent & old, Sonny Saup, lean and bold
Ote & Myrtie, Prattsville girls, some of them sure rocked my world
Gerhardt Goodmonk, brother Johnnie, Wild Bill’s kids, one named Ronnie
Kenny Clark, Joe Campenella, young and cool Italian fella
Earnest Breadsley, Franklin Brown, lived around the Gilboa Town
Tom & Betty, Doris & Paul, all the Haskins, cousins all.
Jimmy Cushman from the city, the Gehrken girls all sweet & pretty.
Hayward Newcomb, Earnest Lee, man I sure would like to see
How they lived and how they fared, how they failed and how they dared
This list is long, the memories warm, as life gets further from the farm.
These folks were context, background, texture, and who’d forget Prof Peckham’s lectures.
In this brief flash of light & glee, bounded by eternity,
I hope they lived and danced and laughed and picked sweet flowers as they passed.
And as my dreams and memories blur, I see them still as they once were.
And as my dreams and memories blur, I see them still as they once were……...