Monday, March 31, 2014

Thursday, 31 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday, 31 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Partly cloudy, 30's.  Ground white in am and roads not too good.  Roberta, John and I went to Mother's for dinner.  I had my eyes tested.  Went to a prayer meeting at Bea's at night.  Lyle's went with me.
Comment:  Family and neighbor's interact....Sister Carol and Sister-In-Law Roberta, 1978....

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wednesday, 30 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday, 30 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Cloudy, windy and light snow.  30's.  Most of it melted as it came.  Did the ironing, wrote to Marilyn and Doug, had a letter from Gerald and Mary Ann.  LaVerne's up at night.
Comment:  "Early morning sun rising over Leonard (Hubbard Hill) in November" from Nina Larkin Mateyunas, who has a place apparently up in Mackey, at least on the back side of the mountain somewhere.  She has a blog entitled "A Painting A Day/Week/Month*"..take a look:

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tuesday, 29 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday, 29 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Partly cloudy, cold, windy 20 degrees.  Wrote to Gerald and Mary Ann.  My head was miserable all day.  Gilbert here for supper and evening.
Comment:  Source: Had to change her pen.....

Friday, March 28, 2014

Monday, 28 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday, 28 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Cold and snow flurries, teens.  I washed in am and made sweet rolls.  Evelyn Bailey was over in the afternoon and I made a skirt for Joyce.  Had letter and tract from Marilyn.
Comment:  Mom always in demand as a seamstress....I've never heard about these falls before.  They were  covered up by the dam.....

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sunday, 27 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday, 27 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Mostly sunny but cold in teens all day.  About 3 inches of snow.  Clifton took girls and I to church then we went to Michelle's baptism and at Wayne's for dinner.  Koerner's, DeWitt's, Usher's, Mary Briggs and LaVerne's were there too.
Comment:  All about the second grand older Michelle on the right with her sister, Christi and cousins Waynie, Dougie and Jason I believe...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Saturday, 26 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday, 26 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Some sun in am, cloudy and snow in pm, 30's.  Clifton, Sue and I went to Grand Gorge and shopped and got four new tires on the car.  Sue went to Jamesway with Wayne and Laura.  Gilbert brought Carol home about 3 pm.  
Comment:  Seems like they bought a lot of is a price list from 1966:
Tires seemed expensive back then.  48 years later you can still buy a Goodyear tire at Walmart for about $60.....

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friday, 25 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday, 25 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Partly cloudy, cold, 20.  Windy and light snow flurries.  I presses David's uniform and nothing else special.  Took girls to ball game at night and went over to Wayne's. Picked Sue up after.  Carol went home with Debbie, Gilbert, John took them.
Comment:  Another weekend rolls is the proposed Dam site, never knew there was a Devasego Falls covered.....

Proposed Prattsville Dam site.  
In the early 1920's the completed New York City water supply Gilboa Dam flooded the valley,
covering the town of Gilboa and the Devasego Falls 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Thursday, 24 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday, 24 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Foggy and strong east wind, rain changing to sleet at night.  Lavilla spent the day with me.  Had prayer meeting at night.  Had letter from Marilyn.
Comment:  Hmmm, no indication as to why Lavilla spent the day..the mountains might have looked like this...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wednesday, 23 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday, 23 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Mostly cloudy, 20's.  I finished ironing and did some cleaning, wrote to Marilyn.  We went over to Wayne's at night.  Mother called.
Comment:  Still visiting the new baby Michelle.....Mom and her mother, Bessie.....

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tuesday, 22 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday, 22 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Nice day, forties.  Did some ironing in am.  Went down to Mrs. Mayo's and visited and went to paint party to Mary's with her.  Phyllis C had major operation.
Comment:  Must be Phyllis DeWell Clapper who live in Mackey's Corner and family used to have a general store.  In this edition of the Gilboa Historical Society is an article about that store written by Franklin Clapper......Old Gilboa, before the dam was filled..there are also memories of my dad, Clifton Hubbard and "Wild Bill" Schemerhorm..take a look... ...

Below, the Dam before they flooded the village

Monday, 21 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday, 21 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries:  Cloudy am, 23 degrees.  Fair and warmer, 40's.  Sue stayed home from school, ear bothered.  I washed in am.
Comment:  Terse.....1956 GHS Senior...guess who...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sunday 20 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday 20 March 1966
Mostly cloudy, three degrees.  Girls and I went to Winnie's for dinner.  David, Mary and Doug too.  Had a nice time.  Back a 830 pm.  
Comment:  Cold day, not sure where Winnie was living at the time, probably Ravena on the Hudson River.....Winnie with her sisters Evelyn, Ina Belle and Doris Ellis.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Saturday, March 19, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday, March 19, 1966

Cloudy, cold in am.  Sunny in pm and snow at night, about 2 inches.  Wayne and Laura brought Carol home and were here for dinner.  Carol and Gilbert went to chicken bar-b-q at night to Grand Gorge.  Wayne's went to Brook's and had steak. Sue and Donna stayed at Wayne's.
Comment:  Me, Wayne, Todd, Mary and Terry or Timmy in the background...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Friday 18 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday 18 March 1966
Beautiful sunny day, warm, 63.  No school.  Sue and I went to Kingston after Doug, home at 130 pm. Gilbert came and he and Carol went to Middleburgh in afternoon.  Sue went over to Wayne's at night with him and stayed.
Comment: The "girls", 1973.....Gilbert was Carol's boyfriend and he was killed in an auto accident shortly after this but I do not know the circumstances

Monday, March 17, 2014

Thursday 17 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday 17  March 1966
Lovely day, 40's, some high cloudiness in pm.  Roberta, John and I went to Cobleskill with David's car to doctors.  We went up to Mother's but she was working so didn't stay, home by noon.  Roberta about sick with a cold.  Dad and David home 8 pm.  I didn't go to prayer meeting.
Comment:  Mom still sick.....three generations, Sue, Marilyn, Frances, Bessie...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wednesday 16 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday 16 March 1966
Beautiful day, 40's.  I did some ironing in am, then Clifton called for David to come to work so Roberta picked me up and we got David on Allen Hill and I was at Roberta's at night for supper.  I felt some better but stomach still a mess.  David started work at Oneonta.
Comment:  David and Dad were working on the college in Oneonta, Dad as an  operating engineer and David as an oiler...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tuesday 15 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday 15 March 1966
Beautiful, bright, sunny day, 30's.  I did little ironing and went to Home Bureau with Madelyn at Alice D's.  All day meeting.  I didn't feel good, headache and stomach.  My stomach bothered all day and night, pain.
Comment:  Mom was also a "quilter"....with a lot of detail...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Monday 14 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday 14 March 1966
Beautiful sunny day, about 40.  I washed in am and hung white clothes outside.  Carol home from school.  Clifton went to Lodge with Otis at night, had to furnish sandwiches and chocolate cake.
Comment:  The "girls"...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sunday 13 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday 13  March 1966
Cloudy, light rain, 30's.  Girls and I went to church and Sunday School.  Clifton took us down, roads slippery and bad.  We all went to LaVerne's and Roberta's for dinner. Wayne and LaVerne took Doug to Kingston at night.  I didn't go to church at night because roads were so bad.
Comment:  The winter 53 years ago was pretty much like it is now...Mom and Ella....

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Saturday 12 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday 12 March 1966
Snow about 6 to 8 inches.  David went to National Guard.  We went to LaVerne's and Clifton and I went to Grand Gorge shopping.  Gerald and Mary Ann left about 330 pm for her folks.  We were at Wayne's at night for his birthday party.  Laverne's and Koerner's too.  Lorraine called in am.
Comment:  Wayne was born March 11, 1946 and died December 3, 2005 just about six months after his Mother died on June 1, 2005.  Here he is on the hill mowing the lawn....

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Friday 11 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday 11 March 1966
Partly cloudy, some light snow.  Roberta, John and I went after Doug in Kingston and shopped at Big Scott.  Gerald and Mary Ann came about 1030 pm and we all went over to Wayne and Laura's for about an hour.  Gilbert here at night.
Comment:  The weekend begins.....Doug somewhere with his buddies....

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thursday 10 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday 10 March 1966
Lovely day, warm, 30's.  Went to Missionary Meeting at Louvilla's, nice time.  I had devotions and went to prayer meeting at Mayo's.  Sue went too.
Comment:  Lot's of church stuff....Doug and I, kinda the hard time David Allan Coe said:  "If that ain't country, I'll kiss your a....."  Probably 1943 or so...LaVerne's bike in the background..

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Wednesday 9 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday 9  March 1966
Some high clouds and warmer, 40's.  I cut out navy dress and worked on it nearly all day.  David drove mail for Wayne at night.
Comment:  Part of the family in the living room...
Mom, Bessie, Dad
LaVerne, Sue, doug, Wayne, David

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Monday 8 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday  8 March 1966
Bright, sunny, clear day, 31.  I ironed nearly all day then did some cleaning.  Girls went to game to Oneonta at night.  David went to Oneonta too, after boots and underwear from National Guard.
Comment:  Brothers and Cousins....LaVerne, Michael, David, Steven, Doug...

Friday, March 07, 2014

Monday 7 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday 7  March 1966
Partly Cloudy with snow flurries, 22 hi.  I washed in am.  Did little cleaning.  David came home during night.
Comment:  Slow Monday....From the Blaksley side of the family....

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Sunday 6 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday 6 March 1966
Cloudy and snow flurries, had four inches in am.  Cold, 20's.  Clifton took the girls and me to church and Sunday School and picked us up.  LaVerne's came after dinner and we all went to Wayne's for the afternoon.  Doug went back at 3 pm.  Didn't go to church at night because roads were slippery.  Abe All died.
Comment:  Not sure who Abe was....Not sure where this was taken..guess who?

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Saturday 5 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday 5 March 1966
Cloudy and rainy, 40's.  David went to NYC for the weekend with the Briggs family. Clifton and I went to Middleburgh and Cobleskill and to Mother's for lunch.  Gilbert here in afternoon.  Girls went to Reggie's birthday party at night, real nice time.  Raymond came after them and Janet and Chip brought them home.  Doug went to Linda's.
Comment:  Reggie is Reggie Kingsley, Raymond is  Raymond Kingsley, his father, and Janet is Reggie's sister.  Chip is Chip Hallock, I believe who is my second or third cousin on my fathers Haskin side.   Blurry picture of Mom, her mother, Bessie, and Carol

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Friday 4 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday 4 March 1966
Cloudy, some rain, 40's.  Roberta and  I went to Kingston after Doug.  LaVerne drew mail in early am for Wayne.  Carol went to the game at Grand Gorge with Gilbert.  We went to Middleburgh shopping.  David got his car.
Comment:  Another of Mom's watercolors at Susan's....

Monday, March 03, 2014

Thursday 3 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday 3 March 1966
Nice day 58 high.  Mrs. Mayo and Marlene were here in pm and we had such a nice visit.  We went to LaVerne's and Wayne's at night.  Wayne's about sick.  David took mail at night.  David had day off from work and bought a new car at Van Dyke. 
Comment:  The ladies  of the family....

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Wednesday 2 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday 2 March 1966
Bright, sunny day, very windy.  I finished ironing and wrote long letter to Marilyn
Comment:  Spring on it's way....a water color by Mom....

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Tuesday 1 March 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday 1 March 1966
Partly cloudy, 30's in am and rain turning to light snow squalls, cold and very windy.  I did most of ironing and some cleaning.  The girls went to ball game at Stamford at night.
Comment:  the winter continues......Tom and Betty's kids a long time ago.....
You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"