Friday, February 28, 2014

Monday 28 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday 28  February 1966
Cloudy, 30's, started to rain 2:20 pm and continued through the night.  Marilyn Carmen's funeral.  I washed in am.  Gilbert here at night.  Mother called.
Comment:  And life goes on...four sons, five grandsons....

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sunday 27 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday 27  February 1966
Warm, 50's, becoming cloudy in pm.  Snow settled a lot.  Mary was here for dinner.  Doug went to NYC with her father. Laura and baby came home from hospital. Carol went to funeral parlor with Linda K in pm and we went over to Wayne's.  Koerner's were there and LaVerne's and we stayed about an hour.  
Comment:  A new life and a new death...the funeral must have been for the Carmen girl who was just killed in an auto accident.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Saturday 26 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday 26 February 1966
Beautiful, sunny day, 40's.  Doug took girls to Wayne's in am to clean and do their wash. Clifton and I went to hospital to see Laura and baby.  Gilbert here in afternoon.
Comment:  Again, it's all about the new baby.....1956 GHS Senior

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Friday 25 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday 25  February 1966
Snow, heavy, about 18 inches.  We heard that Marilyn Carman had been killed near Gilboa 10 pm Thursday night.  School out at 11 am because of storm and the accident. Clifton home at 2:30  and Sue and I went to Grand Gorge shopping.
Comment:  I think the accident was on the Gilboa Bridge from Prattsville and that she was a pretty good friend of Carol's....GHS Senior 1956.....

Monday, February 24, 2014

Thursday 24 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday 24 February 1966
Cloudy, 20's, started to snow at 8 pm.  I ironed and baked.  Sue home with measles of some sort. Called Gerald and Mary Ann at night.  I called Winnie, Billie and Mother and told them about the new baby.  Wrote to Gerald and Mary Ann. 
Comment:  It all revolves around the new baby....Wayne, Michele, Christi and Baby??

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wednesday 23 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday 23 February 1966
Beautiful, sunny, clear day, 30's.  Girls went back to school.  Viola came in am and helped me start a pillow and brought one she'd finished.  LaVerne's birthday.  Wayne and Laura had a baby girl, 7 pm.  We went to LaVerne's at night then on to the hospital. Called Marilyn when we went home.  Clifton started work.
Comment:  LaVerne and Michelle share the same birthday...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tuesday, February 22, 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday, 22 February 1966,
Partly cloudy, light snow flurries.  Some warmer, about 20.  I washed in am and went to shower for Viola at Bea's.  Viola came after Madelyn, Mary and me.
Comment:  I think the Mary is Mary Briggs, now David's wife but not sure....1956 GHS Senior....

Friday, February 21, 2014

Monday 21 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday, 21 February 1966
Cold, minus 5 to 5 above zero.  David went back to work for Maurice Becker.  Girls home, no school. Had letter from Gerald and Mary Ann.  Girls and I went to Fellowship supper at church at nite.  Nice time.
Comment:   Sure hope David is working inside something....outside in that cold can be tough...Hubbard Hill House on February 17, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sunday 19 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday 19 February 1966
Cold, light snow, 15 high.  Minus 6 at night.  Sue went to ball game at Downsville.  We took down the wood stove and set up an oil burner, worked on it all day.  The boys, Carol and Gilbert went skiing.  LaVerne's and Mary here for supper.
Comment:  Modernizing the heating system...I can remember it being so cold that the fuel oil would not flow...from Ski magazine about skiing in the sixties....

1960's It was skiing’s golden age: 10 years so concentrated with innovations it would take a book to describe them all adequately. Bob Smith invented the double-lens ski goggle, which no longer fogged. New snapping brakes on bindings separated skier from windmilling ski. Wood and metal skis were replaced by epoxy and fiberglass. The plastic boot was created. A good skier could now carve most of a turn purely on edge.
The decade opened with fireworks at the 1960 Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley, where for the first time a gold medal was won on nonwood skis and the Games were telecast live across America. Professionals formed their own race-forcash circuit. In 1967, Jean- Claude Killy and Nancy Greene were crowned best in the world in the inaugural season of the World Cup.  A lift ticket cost about $5.00......

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Friday, 18 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday, 18 February 1966
Clearing in am, cold, 5-20.  Doug called 9 am to be met 11:30 am.  David and Mary went after him. Carol still home.  Gilbert was here after school.  Clifton home late.
Comment:  Doug has pretty good duty, getting home many weekends.....beautiful summer day on the hill. Picture is good contrast to the cold winter day.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Thursday, 17 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday, 17 February 1966
Partly cloudy, cold, snow flurries.  Carol, Sue, David home.  I finished a dress and made an apron.  A fuse blew in the early am.  We had no electricity all day  Clifton brought fuse at night.  I went to Lyle's to prayer meeting.  Mother and Mrs. Mayo called.
Comment:  Hmmm, wonder why they didn't put a penny in it...we used to do that all the time.....

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tuesday, 15 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday, February 15, 1966 
Partly cloudy, 20's.  David and Carol still sick.  I did all the ironing.  Mrs. Mayo called about Carol. Home Bureau meeting at Louvilla's, I didn't go because Carol was so sick.  The big mail truck was hit as Wayne was coming home at night in Schoharie, front fender was jammed.
Comment: I guess mail truck accidents have always happened, then and now.....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wednesday, 16 February 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday, 16 February 1966
Cloudy, light snow, 20's.  I baked filled cookies, wrote to Marilyn, did some sewing. Carol and David feeling better.  David drew mail for Wayne at night.
Comment:  She sure could bake.....I remember lots of stuff from a wood burning stove, cakes, bread rolls, cinnamon buns, pies of all sorts......

Friday, February 14, 2014

Monday, February 14, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaires

Monday, February 14, 1966
Sunny, 30, ice on everything in am.  Roads thawed off some.  Carol home sick, I washed.  Mother called in am.  Did some ironing.  David came home from work sick.
Comment:  Here are Doug, Carol, David and Wayne about 1951 on the hill....Doug did his own hair styling....he was about 8, Carol about 1, David about 6 and Wayne about 5.  "Little devils" my Mom called them....and they were....

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sunday, February 13, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday, February 13, 1966
Snow in morning, upper 20's, changing to frozen rain.  We had quite an ice storm. Carol was sick in bed all day.  Sue and I went to church and Sunday School. LaVerne's here for dinner.  I took Doug to Grand Gorge to meet the bus at 230 pm.  He left early because of the storm.  Worst ice of anyplace.  Sue stayed overnight at LaVerne's.
Comment:  and life goes on..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Saturday, February 12, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday, February 12, 1966 
Partly cloudy, 35.  Carol and I went to Middleburgh in am shopping.  David went to National Guard at 12:20.  Gilbert came in afternoon.  Girls and I went to Grand Gorge. Wayne and Laura here for supper.
Comment:  An active Saturday...Here is an active member of the Gilboa community for years....know who?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Friday, February 11 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday, February 11 1966 
Partly cloudy, windy, 45.  I cleaned all through, wrote to Marilyn and cut out a green dress for myself.  About 130 pm, Daisy, Linda and Nadine came and were here for supper.  We went to Wayne's and LaVerne's in evening.  Clifton home at 1030 pm after a call.  Sue stayed at Laura's and Wayne's and Doug brought us a beautiful cuckoo clock from Germany.
Comment:  Not sure what's going on with Dad..Doug back from a cruise.....

Monday, February 10, 2014

Thursday, February 10, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday, February 10, 1966
Mostly sunny and south winds, thawing.  Took David to work to get his license at Schoharie but Wayne got there and I didn't have to go.  Went to Missionary Meeting at Mrs. Mayo's, prayer meeting here.  Clifton didn't come home at all.  Rain during the night.
Comment:  The church stuff never you know this 1956 Senior of GHS....

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Wednesday, February 9, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday, February 9, 1966 
Cloudy am, sunny pm, 28 to 40.  I did ironing, washed windows.  Laverne's here in am a minute, brought furniture to store in barn.
Comment:  Chores never end....1956 GHS Senior, guess who....

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Tuesday, February 8, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday, February 8, 1966
Mostly sunny , 20's to low thirty's.  I got up with a dreadful headache.  Carol stayed home from school and LaVerne and Roberta took me to the Doctor's.  We went to Mother's for dinner.  LaVerne drew mail for Wayne at night and Roberta and John were here for supper at night.  Clifton home at 730 pm.  Helen Young had little boy.
Comment:  And the support folks step up...."Mother", Bessie Van Tassel, on the hill in the dining room

Friday, February 07, 2014

Monday, February 7, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Monday, February 7, 1966
Sunny, 35 high but minus 5 early am.  I cleaned the wood house, emptied the ashes, and got the wood inside. David worked for Maurice Becker.  Cleaned kitchen floor.
Comment:  Don't hear the term "emptied ashes" anymore.  If the weather was bad or we were in a hurry for some reason we would sometimes just leave the manure spreader full of wood sitting outside the wood house door, or, if we needed the spreader, would just throw the wood off outside.....

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Sunday, February 6, 1966, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Sunday, February 6, 1966
Bright, sunny day, 20's.  I went to church and Sunday School.  LaVerne's and Wayne's here for dinner.  I went to church at night.
Comment:  Sounds like a nice Sunday....1956 GHS Senior..guess who...

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Saturday, February 5, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Saturday, February 5, 1966 
Partly cloudy, 20's.  My head was bad nearly all day so didn't do much.  Gilbert here in afternoon.  Had long letter from Marilyn.  Clifton home at 930 pm.
Comment:  Dad getting some overtime...guess who from the senior class at Gilboa Central in 1956...

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Friday February 4, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday February 4, 1966 
Mostly cloudy, light snow flurries, 20's.  Did some more ironing.  David met LaVerne's at airport in NY at 1030 am.  Got here at 3 pm and went to Schenectady for tests at night for school diploma.  Sue went to ball game at Davenport.  Clifton didn't come home, got stuck below Maya's.
Comment:  Getting started on their weekend....

Monday, February 03, 2014

Thursday, February 3, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Thursday, February 3, 1966
Mostly cloudy, light snow flurries, 20's.  I ironed and wrote to Marilyn and Doug.  Went to prayer meeting at Louvilla's alone.  Anita Skikla had a boy.  David worked for Maurice Becker.
Comment:  Uneventful, except for Anita of course...this day in 1959 is"The Day The Music Died" you didn't know the Big Bopper wrote one of George Jones's biggest hits....."White Lightning".....Take a look at

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Wednesday, February 2, 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Wednesday, February 2, 1966
Mostly cloudy, 25, roads good.  David went to Cobleskill, the girls, Laura and I went too and shopped. Sue stayed at LaVerne's.  They brought her home at night.  David got LaVerne's car serviced and ready to go to NYC Friday to pick them up.
Comment:  Vacation over for LaVerne's, missed the big blizzard... this is a view from Doug's house looking toward  Hubbard Hill lost in the snow

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Tuesday, February 1 1966 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Tuesday, February 1 1966
Ten degrees high, conditions better; still windy and light winds.  Roads plowed about 7 am.  No school.  Clifton started for Oneonta about 9 am.  Ninety one inches of snow in Oswego since Thursday.
Comment:  That's about 7.5 feet of snow, a lot in any area.....
You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"