Tuesday, hot and humid, 89 windy. I washed early before DVBS. Gerald and David left midnight for Massachusetts.
Comment: Another charcoal run into Boston. We ran Route 20 rather than the Mass Pike to save on tolls. It was dangerous as hell with many intersections and small hilly towns with narrow streets and bridges. I think I had just returned from another 20 hour trip about four hours before and after some sleep deprived hallucinations, I had to let David drive. We were blasting through some small town when he saw a narrow railroad overpass that he thought was too low for the trailer to go through and locked up the brakes to avoid it. I was startled from sleep as the truck swerved, tires burned and brakes screamed. He got it stopped and we inched through the over pass with about six inches to spare. I'll never forget the panic and disorientation as I was startled from a death-like sleep by the abrupt noise, motion and vibrations..........whenever you see the long skid marks at most heavily trafficked intersections, that means some truck driver narrowly missed disaster......
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