Sunday, March 04, 2012

Wednesday, March 4 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaries

March 4, 1964
Wednesday, sunny day, warmer.  David and Marilyn went to Escondido in am.  Had a letter from Mother.  Marilyn, Patty, Dean were here for dinner and all here for supper.  Sue and I went to prayer meeting.  Marilyn had 1 1/2 hr off of work.  I had a cold in my head.
Comment: Again, dinner was the mid-day meal and supper the evening meal..and on this day in 1918 – The first case of Spanish flu occurs, the start of a devastating worldwide pandemic.  It seems hard to believe that our parent's generation lived through the most severe pandemic in history.  It's also kinda strange that  I don't remember ever hearing them talk about it.  The polio epidemic in 1952 killed about 3000 people in the US and maimed many more.  I do have memories of kids killed, (Hubie DeWitt), and kids partially crippled, (Doug Van Aken) and that was just in our very sparsely populated area.  Our parents must have known of many friends and family who died during that goes on, I guess....and now for us still alive, we have lived through another plague that has taken almost a million lives in the US and about six million around the world goes on, I guess or are we now facing a nuclear war??   It's always something..

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"