Monday, January 26, 2015

Friday, 26 January, 1962, The Frances Hubbard Diaries

Friday, 26 January 1962, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
Cloud, 35, little snow around 1 pm changing to rain. 40 at 9 pm.  Clifton and Gerald cut wood.  Chain saw didn't work.  Gerald went to Middleburgh to bank in pm.  We went down to LaVerne's and Roberta's at night; her parents were there.
Comment:  It was always something with our equipment.   Pretty sure my visit to the bank was for my first student loan.  I know it was for $600 and I took it out because they instituted $400 tuition per semester at Coby Tech where before it was zero, just about $200 in fees per year.....the bank deal was done in the manager's office on a I essentially benefited from a "free" community college deal.   On this day in 1962, the Twist was banned in all Catholic schools because it was "impure".

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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"