April 25, 1965
Sunday, cloudy but quite warm, no wind, 55. Girls and I went to church and Sunday school. Laura here toward night. I went to church at night with Madelyn. Martin Traulsen at Prattsville found dead in his car, 21 yrs. old.
Comment: I remember Martin and his sisters Joan and Claudia Traulsen.....not sure about the cause of death for Martin. I think Martin was in one of my sisters classes at Gilboa Central. This post has me recalling other deaths by suicide or accident of other people that I remember: Carl Smith, shot in the head by Buster Buel with a shotgun as they were horsing around throwing hats in the air and shooting them. Richard Buel, Busters's brother, killed himself by sitting in a car with the exhaust routed to the interior. Tiny Conine who worked for Dad when he was town superintendent, shot himself with 12 gauge shotgun after his wife died. Russell Freeman, shot himself with a 30.06 deer rifle after his wife died. And then there were the auto and farm equipment accidents that seemed to happen often: The Snyder boy from Grand Gorge torn apart when the sleeve on his jacket got caught in a power take-off. The Thorington boy on leave from the Marines hitting a tree at ninety miles per hour. The Dewitt and Mattice boys who played a fatal game of chicken with their tricked out vans on a road in Manorkill. The Tabi boy who, after being punched by Rudy Timm over a girl, hit his head on a curb in West Conesville and died...and the list goes on......
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