Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wednesday, October 28, 1964 The Frances Hubbard Diaires

October 28, 1964
Wednesday partly cloudy 60's no wind.  Carol still home from school but felling better.  I ironed.
Comment: And from her oldest granddaughter another tribute:

Grandma by Marna Suzann Ford


On Hubbard Hill
Catskill Mountains hazy blue green
Sittin' on the porch
Smoke in the fresh air, cut grass
Scary well cover,
Uncles singing with guitars
Family talking
Cousins together
Musty smell of the house
Crooked floors, hand hewn beams
Cold root cellar, cuckoo clock
Family meal always with dessert

In the kitchen
Making fresh fruit cobblers
Pies in ten minutes
Busily planning the next meal
Working in the garden
Sweet corn, cucumbers and tomatoes
Laughing with the grand kids
Religiously attending Flat Creek Baptist
White steeple with hymns leaking out
Dry preachers, friendly people

Brushing out her long hair at night
Wearing short dresses with skinny legs
Farmer's wife, married 53 years
Her children born at home
Sending $2 for every birthday
Making my wedding dress

Traditional woman's role
Center of family in Gilboa
Strong Christian Warrior
Quoting God's word
Passing on her Christian Legacy
Through generations
To her daughter
To me

1 comment:

Gerry Hubbard said...

Mary Ann Hubbard Said: Mary wrote: "Marna, Wonderful poem; wonderful memories."

You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"