October 6, 1964
Tuesday, fair and clear but cold, 25 - 50. Hard frost. I ironed and did mending and cleaned the house. Clifton called at noon. Lorraine called in pm. Boys set up other pump outside.
Comment: Water problems again, seemed to be a constant problem.....this is Wayne helping me fix my bike and the well is to the right middle, hand-dug and not too reliable. In the background is our old Allis Chalmers C Tractor that we had for a very long time.....
Hi Gerald!
How are you & Maryann?
I am enjoying your writings of your mother's diary. I can invision where she always placed it on the kitchen window sill, by the kitchen table. Would you believe its been twelve years when she moved to Marlyn's.
I read yesterday's and you and your mother wrote about Wayne working on "Opel " What was the Ope?
The picture of you & Wayne fixing your bike, I remember Wayne told me about the time he used part of a garden hose for a bike tire. He said he went flying down the hill & the hose came off! HE landed in the ditch. HE got scrabbed up pretty good.
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