Sunday, December 8, 1963, The Frances Hubbard Diaries
December 8, 1963
Sunday, partly cloudy in am. Left Lordsburg N.M. 5:20 am. Ate breakfast in Wilcox, Arizona. A man from Vermont ran the place. Elevation 4458 ft to 4900 ft; then we started down to Tucson; beautiful, giant rocks and mountains. Tucson 8:30; saw first palm trees west of Tucson, cultivated and acres of cotton. Casa Grande, elevation 1400 ft; stopped for gas and checked tires and got two new ones. Left there 10:55, Wellton, AZ 2:25. Climbed over mountains and down to Yuma and reached there 1:45 Mountain time. Turned clocks back 1 hr over California border, rode though miles of mountains of sand dunes as far as eye could see and down in a valley. Elevation 3890. Reached Marilyn's 5:30 pm.
Comment: Five days of hard traveling and they made it.....Here is the type of car they drove and here is what David had to say about their last night in Gilboa, NY:
"It was a 1964 Plymouth , I remember the day before we left, we had a snow storm. Wayne and I went to Grand Gorge to fill my car up with gas because it would be sitting for the winter. Coming back home, the roads were slippery and drifted. Instead of going through Flat Creek we went to Manorkill with the thought there might less drifts . We were doing fine until we hit the cross road, the drifts there were about 3ft high. We hit them at about 60mph and the car lifted up to ride over them and then came to a stop, stuck. We walked home to get the Farmall tractor and of course, we had to jump it to get it started then went to pull out the car and put it in the garage. Once we opened the hood, the snow was packed to the top. You could see the imprint of the hood in the snow. I then closed the the hood and got ready to go to Laverne’s to spent the night and leave for California the first thing in the morning." Bet they are enjoying the California weather.....
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You're always young in your mind it is said, No matter the face in the mirror, That you see with surprise then say to yourself, "What is that old man doing here?"
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